8 Dating App Hacks to Try If You Feel Like They're Not Working For You


Like any good, millennial practitioner knows, using dating apps to meet people just comes with the territory of being single nowadays. Sure, they are not everyone's cup of tea – and there are certainly a lot of ways to meet people offline, but dating apps are still a great tool that when used correctly, can give very good results. love life. However, it may happen that you do not have the impression of "succeeding" on dating apps, which can lead to burnout if you are not proactive in changing the how you use your dating apps.

"I think the biggest sign you want to change your approach is when the thought of checking [your dating apps] makes you cringe," Scott Valdez, founder and president of ViDA, a service that helps customers meet their ideal match online. Agitation "Work smarter, not harder apply to dating apps – there's so much stuff you can use to boost your results, whether it's the best time to send a message or the scientific formula for the perfect photo Doing a bit of research – or even consulting an expert – can save you a lot of time in the long run, and you will probably start meeting singles of a higher caliber. "

If you do not see the results you want on dating apps, here are eight expert tips that you can use to refresh your sweep routine – and hope to meet new people accordingly

1 Download Cool Pictures

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

Choosing photos to use on your dating profile is not an easy task – especially if you're the kind of person who is shy camera. But if you do not have much luck on apps, updating your photos is a simple way to refresh your profile and, hopefully, glean other matches.

"New images can increase the correspondences – and the ego!" Meredith Golden, a Negro dating app and dating coach, tells Bustle. "I advise my clients to get a professional photo – smiling and looking at the camera – for their first profile picture. A swiper decides right or left in a nanosecond. A good first photo will increase the chances of a forehand. If you do not go to a match, there is no chance for a future date. "

2 Writing a New Bio

Hannah Burton / Bustle

If You've Used Dating Apps for a You've probably written your biography a long time ago, but your life or your interests have probably changed, albeit only modestly, it is useful to update your biography frequently to give potential correspondences an accurate and up-to-date look at who you are.

" The description is the springboard for the conversation, "says Golden." Make it easy for the bachelor to engage with you. Four to five topics of engagement will suffice. For example: "Love 80's music, vegan since 2010, president of my elementary school class, equestrian, always play for a good road trip." "

3 Ask a friend (or professional) to help you sweep [19659014] Hannah Burton / Bustle

Who says swiping should be a solo activity? If you're stuck in a rut when it comes to who you fit, try to get help from a trusted friend, family member, or even professional who can slip for you and (happily) shake things.

"I know everyone can not hire [a dating app ghostwriter like me] but to have a fresh look is not priceless," says Golden. "Think about transferring the application process dating to a close friend or brother or sister. This allows the single person to get a scan / messaging break without failing to meet people. In addition, the brother or sister might choose something extraordinary that the single would not have chosen alone. "

4 Reducing the Time You Spend on Dating Applications

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

When you constantly check your dating apps, it will inevitably start to feel exhausting. fun way to procrastinate, but if you limit the frequency with which you check your apps, you are less likely to encounter the fatigue of dating app.

"Leave only twice a day for the week, "says Golden." If someone sends two messages a day during the week, this will generate enough momentum to move the cat forward to allow a meeting. Being on the whole day and responding immediately – to a stranger – is counterproductive, believe me on this point. In this case, less is more. "

5 Stop giving your energy to people who do not want to meet

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

There's nothing worse than matching someone. I am super excited, only to achieve weeks in that they are more interested in a correspondent than a partner.If you are looking for a real connection, learn to let go of those who are preparing to waste time instead of continuing to give them your time and energy.

" Stay away from" dish racks, "Golden says. "These are the people who will talk endlessly, waste your time and have no intention of meeting – some of them are nervous enough to ask your cell to continue to be correspondents. has run out and that there is no sign of progression to a date, stop committing yourself and focus your chattering energy on someone else. "[19659008] 6 Plan dates In-App, * Then * Give them Number

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

An easy trick that can change your dating app game? Instead of giving your number to the matches before scheduling a meeting, wait until the date has been programmed to exchange the numbers. In this way, you do not end up sending messages to people who do not intend to meet IRL, and this reduces the amount of random numbers in your contacts – a win-win!

"There is a high drop-rate application to the text," Golden says. "Once the plans are solidified, then it is good to provide a cell [number]."

7 Do not Spread Too Much

Hannah Burton / Bustle

With so many apps to choose from, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and download everything so you do not miss anything. a – but if you are not ready to devote a ton of time and energy to maintaining a presence all these applications, it is best to choose only one of them One or two that you really like and devote your energy to these.

" Dating apps must be manageable!" Golden said. "Determine what is realistic to maintain.If only one has only 20 minutes a day for online dating, stick to one application!" Being spread too thin on multiple applications reduces consistent use and coherence is necessary. "

8 Take a hiatus if you feel overburdened

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

Most importantly, if you start to feel seriously burned and have a negative attitude toward online dating, do not forget that it's not just OK, but healthy, take a break from your dating apps if need be.

"If a single person is tired while dating and grumpy on dates, consider taking a two-week break to recharge," says Golden. "Happiness attracts happiness.In the end, the first thing to remember is that dating apps are just a tool for meeting people – not something that causes you emotional stress or negative feelings.If you feel like If you want to change the way you use dating apps, go for it! But that's also OK if you need a break from dating apps for a while; there are plenty of them. other ways to meet people – or you can also have fun alone

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