& # 39; Destiny 2 & # 39; reports rewards for lifetime achievements


Some of the currently public achievements are related to historical events, such as campaigning and raiding. Others, however, clearly involve spending hours and hours at other events, such as reaching Vanguard Level 50 or the Legend in Valor rankings (a long-term ranking for the Crucible game). Just like in the first Destiny some of these Triumphs will be hard to remove unless you have played for a long time.

The awards will be relatively familiar. You will receive largely game equipment related to the Solstice of Heroes summer event. If you accumulate at least 250 Triumph points out of 400, you will receive a code that will allow you to purchase a customizable t-shirt. Yes, it 's a bit silly to lose the privilege of handing over money, but that' s one of those rare instances where your talent at play can translate into tangible remembrance.

You can view your character's profile on Bungie.net right now to see your progress, although you will not get any rewards until the Solstice of Heroes event begins in earnest. July 31st. Be prepared to hurry up if you find yourself lagging behind – you only have until August 28 (ideally, a few days before the liberation of Forsaken ) to earn what you can

The Moments of Triumph Liberation is not totally unexpected. Bungie went on to offer reasons to return to D2 between story updates, and that was to be a challenge with four months between Warmind ( the last of the year-an add-ons) and Forsaken . The use of Moments of Triumph relatively early in the game's life cycle can help with this, especially for players who might have been early regulars but lacking things to do.

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