The motorcyclist points to the major, argues with the driver not to yield to Yishun


Stomper L and a motorcyclist quarreled during a road dispute along Yishun Avenue 2, Saturday afternoon (July 7), at approximately 12:40 pm.

L submitted a video of the incident, which took place near the Khatib MRT station.

L told Stomp: "This road allows a maximum speed of 60km / h and there is a speed camera in front."

"This motorcyclist was driving fast behind me, I changed lanes in the center when he suddenly swerved to my door, but did not hit him."

"He was also trying to challenge me blowing the exhaust pipe near my door to show that his engine was very powerful. can see everything in the video. "

(The story continues under the video)

In the video, the biker can be seen flashing his middle finger and do" [19659002] added the Stomper, which is heard by throwing vulgarities into the video: "I told him, 'Why, your big bike means I have to give you up?'" I'm not sure what He answered but he still pinned me and challenged me. "

" I think he did not have to deviate towards me he could just brake me when I changed lanes or gave in. "

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