Upgrading the key of the playground to a better educational system: MPs, NMPs


SINGAPORE: Education should not be based on a "one size fits all" approach, but rather on equal opportunities for all students, said several MPs as well as MPs appointed on Wednesday.

A total of 13 MPs and PMNs discussed the motion "Education for Our Future" in Parliament, which urges the government to partner with the public to ensure accessible, inclusive and permanent education to all learners.

Five NPMs – Mahdev Mohan, Kuik Shiao-Yin, Ganesh Rajaram, Kok Heng Leun and Azmoon Ahmad – had moved the motion.

Those who spoke about the motion emphasized NMP Azmoon said, "I view our current education system as a single approach, with minor modifications. "We should be bold enough to take a step forward to consider multiple educational systems and strategies with different approaches to serve different individual needs – a holistic system where"

Giving the # Illustration of a child from a low-income family who could start at a disadvantage, Mr. Azmoon said the makers "

" These are the very real circumstances that our students are going through and something must be done to help them, "he said, was to encourage more large schools in Singapore to focus on more than their own cohort, in order to move away from the stereotype that these schools are only for "brilliant students from rich backgrounds," noted Mahdev NMP

. "Mr. Mahdev pointed out that the school had established a scholarship program. studies and mentoring to provide financial support and role models for elementary and secondary students.

"May I ask the ministry to invite other high schools? so explain what they do to make sure that social mobility is not frustrated and that the elite groups of Singaporeans and strangers in these emerging schools do not care not just theirs? He asked:


Describing sports, and football in particular, as a social platform, NMP Ganesh suggested to offer a common core curriculum. children.

"Sport in our schools should be a meeting place for friendship, camaraderie and pure enjoyment of sport – regardless of your family and your financial situation. It's one of the few places in a kid's school life where he's not judged by his academic feats, and we should be doing everything we can to get back to that. mind, "he said.

a closer examination of the system of direct admission to school (ADS). He stressed the emergence of" DSA coaches "who adapt programs specifically for children to secure a place in the school of their choice as an example of how some are taking advantage of the system.

"We have to ask ourselves if this is what the DSA system is intended to be, and if this "game" of the system is acceptable, "he said." Is that the sport? Do we want to encourage such behavior and, worse, reward it by giving these children places in our best schools?

"For me, values ​​such as integrity and fair play are as important, if not more important, than an athlete, and by including these other criteria in the DSA selection process, the Department would send a signal to teachers, coaches, parents and children about the kind of young Singaporeans he hopes to encourage. "

RCMP MP Henry Kwek suggested that sport was a good way to young people to bridge the social gap He urged the MOE to strengthen its collaboration with the ActiveSG program of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) to encourage social mixing through sport

"MOE and MCCY can collaborate by developing the Academy and ActiveSG sports clubs. all schools, and award them CCA points under LEAD. At the same time, the Ministry of Education may also invite the Sports Academy to send teams to join various interscholastic sports teams, "said Mr. Kwek


NMP Kok re-launched the debate on the abolition of the PSLE ​​from the education system, in order to put more emphasis on in-depth learning and interaction between young students.

Share the story of a mother who noticed that her son was After beginning to feel the school pressure in kindergarten and lost his sense of curiosity when he was in primary school, Mr. Kok asked, "Is the PSLE ​​really necessary?"

. stress among students and parents, the Ministry of Education announced that from 2021, students who pass the exams will get performance levels of 1 to 8 in each of their four subjects.

million. Kok stresses that the subject deserves to be examined. Consider slaughtering this "sacred cow".

"If young students are to prepare for a major exam after six years of study, does this hinder their ability to learn in depth, to discover and to investigate?"

"I think we have to fundamentally agree on what is important in the education of our young people." Is this deep learning and interaction? yes, can we rethink the current system to take the time of this aspect, rather than rushing them into the national education that determines their path of education at such a tender age, "he said. said.

However, her compatriot NMP Kuik said that she was "of two opinions" on the desirability of abolishing the review.

"This is not a quick fix and abolish it will certainly generate a lot of new problems and not solve some old It stressed that the removal of the PSLE ​​would trigger a chain reaction of" unpleasant changes "such as how primary school teachers will be forced to design and teach a program that no longer consists of preparing children for standardized education.

" MOE should design a brand new way to assess the quality of teaching in primary schools without data from the results of the PSLE, "added Ms. Kuik

who pointed out that he did not advocate the removal of the PSLE. He suggested that MOE consider how it could "review" about a demonstration of other skill sets and capabilities, other than the ability to "cram and distribute" [19659008] "Maybe the course element or evaluation continues as part of its PSLE ​​rating, so the eventual PSLE ​​score is a more holistic reflection of the abilities and capabilities of 39, a young adult, "said MP Ang Mo Kio RCMP

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