The quasar was spotted by a team led by Eduardo Bañados de Carnegie – who vomits a jet of extremely fast material
It could allow scientists to understand what the universe looked like when he was young.
Quasars are made up of huge black holes accumulated matter in the center of massive galaxies.
The light of this newly discovered quasar has traveled nearly 13 billion of the 13.7 billion years of the universe to reach us here on Earth.
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This newly discovered quasar, called PSO J352.4034-15.3373, is one of the most rare It does not just swallow matter in the black hole but also emits a jet of plasma that moves at speeds close to those of light
This jet makes it extremely brilliant in the frequencies detected by radio telescopes .
P352-15 is the first quasar with obvious evidence of radio jets seen in the first billion years of the history of the universe
"There is a dearth of Powerful radio transmitters of the youth of the universe and it's the most brilliant radio quasar at that time. "It's the most detailed picture of a galaxy as brilliant at this distance, "added Momjian
The Big Bang began the universe as a hot soup of extreme energy.When it expands, it cools and coalesces into neutral gas of hydrogen , which left the universe dark, without light sources, up to the gravity of the condensed matter in the first stars and galaxies
800 million years after the Big Bang, l '39; energy released by these early galaxies caused the excitation of neutral hydrogen dispersed throughout the universe and the loss of an electron, or io the state in which the gas has remained since. 19659014] It is very unusual to find quasars emitting a radio jet like this from the period just after the reappearance of the lights of the universe.
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