Beginner's Guide Realm Royale – Polygon


Royal Realm is yet another royal battle game, but if you're tired of just firing weapons and building forts, you might find a lot to love here. The game's developers, Hi-Rez Studios, have reversed the script while taking some of the most familiar elements of the genre to create a title that feels different from its competitors. Even if the game is still in early access, there is enough meat on its bones for this free-to-play game is worth downloading.

But if you dive for the first time blind, you will be a little confused. Do not worry though, we've come up with a quick guide that introduces the basics as classes while covering some of the most interesting and unique mechanics of the game.


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Like other royal battle games, Realm Royale begins with the same principle as the rest: Deposit 100 players on a map, and let them fight until a player or team has stood.Other familiar features of the genre are also present: there are zones of the map with specific names and drawings, the entire map is littered with random equipment and a circle slowly surrounds a central point forcing the players to come in. out

From there it diverges. The following differences are really what sets Royal Realm


One of the greatest things you will notice from the beginning with Realm Royale is the # 39, including classes Before you start the game, you should choose between one of the five classes each with its own set of benefits, special movement skills and loot abilities that you can find among the weapons and l & # 39; armor. Who you chose makes a difference and this level of personalization at the beginning of each card can really perfume your experience.

Another major aspect of Royal Realm is The Forge . Typically in Battle Royale games, your success depends on how lucky you are to find high-end equipment or healing items. While this is the case in Royal Realm you can also influence things in your favor by using one of the many forges found in the center of each map area. We're going to cover The Forge in detail below, but it's worth knowing that you can actually make the best armor and weapons in the game if you can afford it.

And when things are not going well, you are going to get out and put in a "low" state. In other Battle Royale games, you can usually rely on a teammate to revive you before being hit by a final shot. Things are different in Realm Royale . Once all your health has been exhausted, you will turn into a chicken that can run and jump slowly on the map. If you can survive in this state for 30 seconds, you will be well. For those who kill you in a hen state, they will have the opportunity to loot your equipment and will also receive an item that will help them improve faster at the forges.

  Riding at Realm Royale

Hi-Rez Studios [19659014] The last small but important difference in Realm Royale is Rise . All Battle Royale games require you to cross vast expanses of terrain to find equipment and eliminate enemies, but many of the titles of the genre have no solution for the time it takes. Fortunately, Realm Royale allows you to ride a horse at any time to speed up your trip. It's a small addition, but it makes forge work to forge less hassle.


  The Five Classes of Royal Kingdom

Hi-Rez Studios

Unlike other Royal Battle Games, where Everyone starts on a level playing field with the same skills, Realm Royale allows players to choose any of the five classes at the beginning of each match. Each class has four unique features that distinguish them from each other: a class-specific advantage, a different movement skill, four different spells that are only fit by this class, and their own legendary and customizable weapon.

Mastering each class is to understand how to make the most of their unique talents. You will end up learning to favor certain abilities as you feel comfortable with the game. Since you can only hold two abilities at a time it is useful to test them when you find and experiment until you find a combination that works with your style of play. Once you have found a class you like, it is about becoming good enough with them so that you can build their legendary weapon and become a force to be reckoned with

The Warrior

The Warrior is a good beginner's course. since their advantage allows them to passively gain health. In partnership with their movement skill, the Heroic Bond you can cross the map and survive more easily than other classes. When you are learning the tricks of the game, consider using the Warrior.

In addition to gaining passively healthy, two of the Warrior's lootable spells will also allow him to survive even longer.

These are great tools if you are looking to keep your team or yourself in top shape:

  • Healing Potion gives you health or that of your allies.
  • Shielding Potion can repair the shields.

If you want to play more offensively, you can use the following:

  • Charge gives Warriors the ability to launch a short distance while damaging the enemies in which you engage.
  • Net Shot slows enemies down, making them easier to spot. Mixing and matching these abilities gives the Warrior a flexible kit that will suit all kinds of playing styles.

The Warrior's legendary weapon is a throwing ax that inflicts more damage to a distant enemy. In a pinch, it's a good short-range weapon, but the single feature of the ax allows it to act as a good mid-range tool for high damage

The Engineer

The Engineer is an excellent course for those who want a little more control over the battlefield. Their passive ability allows them to protect themselves over time while their ability to move, Thrust projects them high in the air, allowing the Engineer to reach heights much faster than no matter who else. If you are a more tactical player, the Engineer could be for you.

Much of the lootable skills of the Engineer are zone-of-effect skills, giving them unique advantages on the battlefield that no other class has.

  • Deploying the turret allows the engineer to drop a turret that can offer a cover shot, protect the forges or apply pressure in the shootout.
  • Fire Bomb is a projectile that ignites an area on fire when it strikes. This is ideal for locking areas or weeding enemies on the cover.
  • Healing Totem creates a healing zone that the engineer and his team can use.
  • Barricade is a piece of blanket that can be dropped anywhere, giving the Engineer a tactical advantage in the fights

The legendary weapon of the l '# 39; Engineer is a bomb thrower . He shoots vials that have some splatter damage. Since much of the Damage dealt by the Damage Engineer deals a large area, the caster is a good complement, allowing the Engineer to spread damage over the entire map.

The Assassin

The Assassin is a matter of stealth and control what is seen on the battlefield. Their passive ability allows them to move 10% faster on the ground, making them the fastest class in the pack. With their ability to move, Blink Assassins can teleport a short distance, giving them a great sense of movement throughout the battlefield.

  • Ghost Walk allows Assassins to escape danger. and increasing their speed of movement.
  • Smoke Screen allows Assassins to drop a cloud that blocks enemy vision and gives them discretion. It's great for getaways or sneaking on enemies.
  • Sensor Drone is another way to knock down opponents by revealing nearby players.
  • The Concussion Bomb can propel you forward or repel enemies to make space.

Not surprisingly, the legendary weapon of the Assassin is a shooting rifle . Although it can shoot only one bullet before needing to be reloaded, the ability to keep enemies away is perfect for players who want to hunt down the battlefield and to fight without being seen.

The Mage

The powerful Mage offensive class whose benefits make the potions 30% more effective. Their ability to move, Soar is ideal for short distances on the ground or in the air. Mages are perfect for players who want something versatile, but different from the warrior.

The mage has skills covering both offensive and defensive options.

  • Explosive Flask is a projectile that deals damage to the impact and slows enemies down.
  • For more direct damage, you can use Fireball for a magical explosion that flies through enemies.
  • If you want protection, Ice Block traps you in the ice for movement, blocking your ability to do anything, but you become immune to damage while regaining a little health.
  • You can also cast a Wall to create a barrier or throw it at your feet to shoot you in the air.

The legendary weapon of the Mage is a magic stick of course. He fires mystical explosions in bursts of five rounds. It's a powerful midrange tool that gives the Mage a beefy and consistent way to produce damage.

The Hunter

The Hunter is a bit of a mixed bag. For the sake of variety, they can also be a good class to play as for beginners, since their kit contains elements of each class. To help you get the most out of your basic gunplay, hunters have a speed of reloading and swapping weapons 10% faster. Their ability to move Dodge Roll allows them to shelter, making them harder to hit.

Depending on how you play, you can mix the hunter's abilities with your playing style.

  • If you want more damage, Blast Shot will allow you to shoot an explosive projectile pressing a button.
  • For more consciousness on the battlefield, Flare will allow you to reveal the enemies in the area.
  • If you have to defend an area, drop a nearby mine .
  • Or you can use Remove to jump back and stealthily win for a short time to disengage during the fighting.
  • The legendary weapon of the fighter, the bow and arrow is versatile as their kit. You can fire quick shots at shorter distances to inflict small amounts of damage or hold your shots for a more powerful, long-range shot. While the bow and arrow are not as exciting as other legendary weapons, they work well in most situations, giving it a lot of flexibility.


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    On the map Royal Realm are several forges, usually located in the center of each of the various localities of the game. The forges are important landmarks because they allow players to participate in one of the most interesting functions of the game: the craft

    At each forge, players can craft a handful of objects, highest armor healing potions., a class-specific powerful weapon – if you have enough shrapnel. Players can create shrapnel at any time by "disenchanting" any weapon, piece of armor or As they find on the map.After you've had enough, you can enter any forge and make what you can afford.

    The craft is there 39 One of the best ways to have a length of time in the game, But it has a warning: the more time to craft. In addition, when a forge is active, a huge cloud of smoke appears, alerting other players that a forge is in use. It sets up an interesting dynamic. On the one hand, you can access the most powerful equipment of the game, but on the other hand, you are a sitting duck who gives your position.

    Knowing when to build and defend active forging is essential if you want to have the most powerful equipment in the game. So it's useful to define a perimeter or to know how long your items will take to allow you to return at the forge in time.


    Another interesting quirk about the kingdom Royale deals with the death of the players. In other royal battle games, when your health is exhausted, you enter a state where you move slowly and can not defend yourself. This gives you the opportunity to crawl safely where a teammate can revive you. In Realm Royale things are totally different. When you are stunned, you enter a state where you can not fight back, but instead of being reduced to crawling, you are turned into a plump chicken. In this form, you must survive for 30 seconds before you relive automatically.

      Chicken in Realm Royale

    Hi-Rez Studios

    Like chicken, you have a slightly slower speed and the ability to jump. These mobility options allow you to better protect yourself. We have found that it is better to return to your allies in this state for coverage. If you are alone, one of the smartest things you can do is jump in and out of the windows in the buildings. Most buildings have windows that are only small enough for the chicken to pass through, which is one of the only advantages of chicken.

    Once arrived, you will always have all your weapons and a reduced health. For players who get rid of you as a chicken, they can loot all your items and fragments. They also get a chicken trophy, which allows them to make forge items much faster.


    If you are more and more embittered with the current offer of royal battle games and want to plunge your toes into new waters, Realm Royale worth the trip. There are enough familiar elements to make the game easier to understand, but there are also many aspects of this game that make it enjoyable even if it is still in alpha phase.

    The five classes offer a lot of instant variety as other games in the genre just do not do it. It's hard to say if this game will catch fire like its brothers, but if you want to see the Royal Battle switch in a different way, then give a spin to this early game access.

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