Scientists discover that cinnamon oil can help fight infections, superbugs: study – Xinhua


SYDNEY, July 13 (Xinhua) – Viral infections becoming more resistant to antibiotics, a researcher at an Australian university thinks the solution to this problem may lie in cinnamon.

Sanjida Halim Topa of the Swinburne University of Technology discovered that cinnamaldehyde, a component of cinnamon essential oil responsible for its unique taste, inhibited the development of biofilm – a bacterium that can cause persistent infections and even resistance to the most potent antibiotics

According to the microbiologist, there is an urgent need to develop alternatives to antibiotics, in order to treat chronic biofilm superbugs.

"When bacteria produce biofilms, they are more prone to antibiotic resistance, so we are not trying to kill Topa told Xinhua on Friday," If kids were playing and doing a lot of damage, we can not really ask them not to do it. play, but what we can do is introduce some rules to control their behavior. "

" What we do with cinnamon is a little bit the same. "

Although cinnamaldehyde is not the pharmaceutical industry, Topa, thinks that it could have broad applications for many types of skin infections.

But if the donuts of sugar-coated cinnamon may also present the same potential health benefits as highly concentrated oil, the researcher suggested clinical trial is needed! "

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