Scientists just took the first color x-ray of a human body!


No more black-and-white radiographs as more detailed 3D scans are available thanks to two New Zealand scientists who for the first time radiographed a human using a MARS spectral scanner that they developed.

Scientists who made it possible

Phil and Anthony Butler, who, in addition to being father and son, are also the scientific duo behind this revolutionary technology, who worked on it for a long time. decade before unveiling it to the world

Butler shows the area of ​​his wrist that was scanned as one of the first human images taken using the MARS large bore spectral scanner. Photo:

Their company MARS Bioimaging, is linked to the universities of Otago and Canterbury that have contributed to its development.

New Technology

The MARS scanner combines Medipix3 technology and computer algorithms to produce colorful 3D images. X-rays.

Medipix3 works like a camera, which detects and counts each particle hitting the pixels when its electronic shutter is open, which allows to obtain high-resolution, high-contrast, highly reliable images.

records the precise energy levels of X-rays as they touch every particle of your body, unlike black-and-white scanners that record only X-rays that pass through the body or are absorbed by bones .

This makes it unique imaging applications especially in the medical field. This particle tracking technology had been developed for CERN's Large Hadron Collider, which had discovered the elusive Higgs Boson boson in 2012.

"Until now, researchers were using a small version of the MARS scanner to study cancer, bones and joints, and vascular diseases that cause heart attacks and strokes, "

– Anthony Butler

How do colored X-rays help?

The images can clearly the difference between bone, muscle and cartilage show the position and size of cancerous tumors.

Conventional radiographs are not useful outside the diagnosis of bone fractures because they can not detect the muscles and tissues surrounding the bone, but this new technology can show a clear view of the human body.

According to CERN's Physics Laboratory of Europe:

"This technique of color X-ray imaging could produce clearer and more accurate images and help doctors to give to their patients

– CERN Physics Laboratory, Europe

And then?

This technology will now conduct clinical trials on patients in orthopedics and rheumatology

MARS Bioimaging is now seeking to market the scanner However, based on the success of these tests, it may take longer before colored X-rays are available in a diagnostic center near you.

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