If you are not paying attention to this force feedback mod, you risk tearing the controller off your hands.


Maybe you have a new [4K TV for the games and a nice surround sound system too, but it still seems like something is missing? You'll notice it next time you blow yourself up in a shooter, or you crash into a runner's wall – despite your flawless setup everywhere else, there's just just not enough rumble. Of course, you can ride the bass until your whole house shakes, but why not take the direct approach and wire a industrial engine in your controller?

In fact, I can think of a lot of reasons why you would not want to do that. But Jake Middleton, whose campaign Kickstarter for the mod of the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One MEGA-one is now online, decided to remove these concerns with the powerful forces of engineering and crowdfunding

. I know, it hit me a few months ago, and it's that desire that I could not turn off, "Middleton tells me. "What came out of it, honestly, is that I really want to feel the games I play in a depth and level that I feel I do not get." You get a little vibration here, if you're I have a good sound system, you get a nice sound, obviously, the visuals are pretty cool, but it looks like there's just something … I want to reach and feel that somehow . just hang a giant engine to a controller? "

Middleton briefly considered how wildly impracticable his idea was. Then he produced a pen and paper to start drawing the design idea, becoming more and more excited when he filled the details.

"As an engineer, I have to follow the rules.Make sure that it's safe, make sure it's planned, make sure "It meets all the specifications," said Middleton. "But sometimes the other side of my brain just needs to turn off, and I need to switch to the switch that says we can do really cool things! And who cares if it's crazy, let's do it. "

and regulations are important when you work on projects that, say, will be launched in space and will remain there for the foreseeable future The Middleton sketches were not just the product of a gung-ho enthusiast, but rather the work of an experienced mechanical engineer and a product developer.His portfolio includes the design of radiators to prevent NASA's satellites from "turning into giant ice balls as they sweep into space." Speaking of satellites, he also helped develop a neural circuit that could continue to work even though it was repeatedly punctured by micrometeorites.Midleton tested it by taking the prototype to range and pulling it three times with a large caliber handgun.And yes it has always worked.

Coming back to the controller mod, you probably have all kinds of questions about how it will work and how much it will cost and if you will be able to use it without getting it break an arm, which we will get soon. But first, what does it make to run an engine "designed to pull chains and make big uprising" in the most overcrowded rum pack in the world? I mean, in practical terms?

"Maybe if your whip has a bunch of vibrations and a counterweight, that huge amount of torque and vibration, and he's pulling your hands to the left and the right, and if you're not careful, he will almost rip the controller out of your hands when you play the game, "said Middleton, after a few considerations. "These are all reasons why I love him."

Physically building this thing will be a heavier process than that of an improved Nintendo Switch kickstand. It is there that relations with Chinese manufacturers that Middleton has done in his day job (his current company creates things like wheelchair lifts and home elevators). Middleton says that he already has two companies "on the side of industrial automation" lined up to roll in the production of MEGA-one, although they're more used to doing things like conveyor belts. or robot arms as game devices.

If you fear that all these powerful machines are difficult to hold, or even that they tremble your controller apart, I had similar concerns. But Middleton says he's addressed them: first, the final version of the mod will come with a neck strap, both for safety and to support its mass of about 10 pounds. Second, the design of the exoskeleton was made to put a minimum of weight or force in the controller itself – after all, the thing is supposed to shake you . Thirdly, the main installation is intended to be attached or detached within 10 seconds, in case you need unhindered access to any of the central elements that its support bar obscures. Like, uh, the home button. But hey, you never need to press it while you actually play!

The odd metal and engine beast of Middleton will only come to life if the Kickstarter is successful. The campaign has an initial target of $ 7,436 (that of Middleton in Toronto, so a conversion of Canadian dollars). You can buy an all-in-one kit to convert your own PS4 or Xbox One controller with a promise of $ 98 or more – the Kickstarter promises that the conversion can be done in five minutes – or opt for a pre-built version with your choice of controller for $ 150.

Middleton already has many more plans for over-the-top gaming props, assuming this campaign is going well. It could come back to an idea of ​​a treadmill that automatically cuts off the power of your controller if you never stop exercising. Or he could do another mod rumble controller specially built for first-person shooters – all I'm going to say about this for the moment, is that you should plan to hold it firmly or to prepare for a sore shoulder. from my mind I would like it to come to a point where this could be a full time thing. And who knows, maybe we are approaching video arcade rooms and maybe the next time you go play a game it's completely different or immersion in an arcade game is jostled, or maybe it's mods of controller or other things. But really just the experience of the game is what my passion is about. "

Want to roll yours? Discover the best deals we found on automata PS4 and Xbox One to start.

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