Despite repeated claims of engagement with citizens, the actions of PAP leaders show that they do not care about people's well-being


It was reported Sunday (June 15) that cabinet ministers will intensify their visits to the heart of the country to hear people's views on various issues. This initiative was inspired by the view of Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat in May, where he said the government would begin a series of talks to engage different segments of society

Marking a departure from a financial crisis. previous practice where ministers visited only constituencies. Ong Ye Kung said residents now have more opportunities to speak directly to ministers on multiple issues.

For example, residents with school children approached them to discuss their views. colleague of the cabinet Josephine Teo. 4G Minister Lawrence Wong also had the opportunity to interact with people facing problems with the Housing Board.

The 4G leader added that "talking to residents in a coffee shop" the participating ministers would exchange notes after the visit to have a more holistic understanding of the problems people are facing

However, not all of them 39 were not impressed.

On the Straits Times Facebook page, Cassidy Andrew Goh likened Ong Teng Cheong, former deputy prime minister, noted that Ong "would still walk in his shirt sleeves [and] would not be accompanied by". an entire gang of acolytes, aides, mentors, local leaders, and

Goh also felt that 4G ministers should "leave all the baggage of the administration behind [and] insist that [their] aids do not go forward and "facilitate" [the interaction for them] ". We invited the ministers to "stop spreading rose petals on the path before you so that [they can] see and feel what [ordinary people] feels".

PAP promised to listen with humility and passion

If this sounds familiar to you, it is not the first time that it 's the same. an important member of the ruling party, the People's Action Party, says that he will listen to the people.

The organizational secretary, Chan Chun Sing, said the party "will continue to serve Singaporeans with humility and passion". He appreciated the confidence that Singaporeans had in them "would do the best for them and their children".

Despite this promised "humility", we remember the backlash that erupted in March 2018 when Justice Minister K Shanmugam spent Thum Ping Tjin, grill historian, for 6 hours at the Fake News restricted committee. . Thum had argued that the government itself was a big spreader of false news.

A year later in October 2017, a 20-hour closure occurred on the North-South line caused by careless maintenance and falsified records. Despite public outrage, Transportation Minister Khaw Boon Wan thanked CEO Desmond Kuek for his "volunteerism" and "heart in the right place."

Bridget Welsh, former Professor of Political Science at the University of Singapore Management Juli) that PAP is "a very elitist party, largely unable to relate to ordinary Singaporeans". Another academic – Professor James Chin of the University of Tasmania – joked that "PAP is actually the party" Pay And Pay ".

Indeed, barely a month after Chan's speech, SP announced a 5.6% increase for the first quarter of 2017. Despite a strong profitability of nearly $ 1 billion a year, successive increases followed: 6.1% (2Q17), -3.2% (3Q17), -2.1% (4Q17), 6.3% (1Q18), 2.8% (2Q18) and the recent 6.9%. The service and retention fees for PAP municipal councils have also increased in 2017.

The collective impact on ordinary Singaporean citizens is devastating. The TODAY newspaper reported that Chuang Pek Yah, a 62-year-old housewife, was trying to save money by lowering the dome light while 46-year-old taxi driver Kent Chia said that his family was "very attentive". actions and policies after Chan's speech, can we then say that they listened with humility and respect?

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