The Episcopal School of St. Anne Selected to Model New Mathematics Materials in Singapore – News – Middletown Transcript


St. The Anne Episcopal School was chosen as one of three schools in the United States to serve as a model school for the Mathematics Handbook of Singapore, "think! Mathematics ".

At the end of the program the next year, St. Anne's will be certified model school in the implementation of effective mathematics education and will have the opportunity to organize On-campus training sessions supported by international mathematics experts in Singapore and hosting foreign teachers. Director of Program and Instruction Valerie White. "The changes we have made to our teaching methods through the implementation of Singapore Math have also had a positive impact on our teaching in other areas. In learning, students must be able to think flexibly and communicate their reasoning in multiple ways.The enthusiasm and enthusiasm for learning are palpable. "

St. Anne introduced Singapore's mathematical approach to mathematics education in September 2016 in kindergarten to grade two with the help in part of a grant from the Longwood Foundation. During the last academic year, Tara Liguori and Melissa Meier, first-year teachers, participated in a project to pilot the manual and the "think! Mathematics "for the US market with Sarah Schaefer and Yeap Ban Har.

The introduction of these new Singapore Mathematics materials will run from first to fifth grade over the course of two years. St. Anne's will also be piloting a new math text in Singapore in kindergarten, which was co-written by Schaefer.

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