HONG KONG (AFP) – Hong Kong police have sought to ban a political party that promotes the city's independence on Tuesday (July 17th) as a potential threat to national security while Beijing launches jeopardize its territorial sovereignty. 19659002] Hong Kong semi-autonomous enjoys unseen freedoms on the continent, including freedom of expression, but rights are seriously threatened by an assertive China under President Xi Jinping.
This is the first time that such a ban has been in demand since Britain surrendered Hong Kong's sovereignty to China in 1997 and is the latest attempt to stifle appeals to independence, which exasperated the Chinese authorities.
John Lee said Tuesday that he was reviewing the police's request to ban the Hong Kong National Party, one of the major groups claiming China's independence from China .
"In Hong Kong, we have freedom of association, but this right Lee said that he could not comment on the details.
However, he added that under Hong law Kong, national security, meant "safeguarding the territorial integrity and independence of the People's Republic of China."
According to the city ordinance, groups may be banned in the city. Interest of National Security and Public Safety Lee said that "any person or company in Hong Kong must act in accordance with the law" and that any prohibition application was based on facts and evidence.
Lee said that he would give the party 21 days to make
Hong Kong National Party leader, Andy Chan, told AFP that the police had been returned to his home on Tuesday and gave him documents invoking the ban requested, asking him to to the question of security. "They just transmitted the documents and left," he told AFP.
Chan said that the documents included recordings of his speeches and the story of Facebook, adding that he thought that related to a recent trip that he made to Taiwan where he has talked about Hong Kong's civil and political rights at a public forum.
China sees self-determined democratic Taiwan as part of its own territory to be brought back into the fold. [19659002MinigantsappealingfortheindependenceofHongKongfromChinaemergedafterpro-democracyralliesin2014werenotabletoreform
But attempts to muzzle any discussion on the subject
Edward Leung, a prominent separatist activist, was jailed for six years in June on charges of murder. Riots following clashes with the police in 2016.
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