Lizzy Yarnold, Britain's best winter Olympic athlete, is recovering from surgery after a successful operation on a long-standing back problem
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Yarnold won his second gold medal in skeleton at PyeongChang 2018, with fellow countryman Laura Deas taking the bronze medal.
The 29-year-old is now recovering at home before the World Cup season, which begins in December, but she has not set a date yet for her return.
"I had surgery at the spine to try to sort some discs that slipped in my back," she said.
"I felt like a good time to do it, I could not bear the pain anymore, I do not feel good now, but I hope the recovery will be quick.
"I would like to say a big thank you to all those who help to restore the body of this slightly broken athlete.
"The British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association and the EIS team were supported by A * British Skeleton and UK Sport – you have been awesome."
Despite his many successes on the ice, Yarnold has faced health problems throughout his career.
She missed the 2015/16 season due to burnout and considered retiring from the sport after winning gold in South Korea because of a condition that affects his balance.
Andi Shmid, the director of Skeleton's performance, acknowledged the need to avoid a strong comeback.
"Lizzy has been managing the pain behind her back for quite some time and we were all of the same opinion that an operation was in the best interest of Lizzy's health and well-being," he said. said.
"Skeleton is a demanding sport and the last Olympic cycle was particularly intense, in which Lizzy had to overcome a number of physical challenges.
"These challenges have been handled very professionally by our support team and I know that the same approach will be followed as a result of his return operation.
"Although we understand that there will be questions regarding Lizzy's return to action, the most important thing at the moment is that she is resting, recover and recover in full health at his time. "
Sportsbeat 2018
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