What is Narcan? Is this the answer to the country's opioid epidemic?


In light of the apparent overdose of Demi Lovato's heroin earlier this week and the opioid epidemic that has swept the nation in recent years, Narcan is a term that seems to make repeated titles. but what exactly is it? And what does he do?

For starters, Narcan is a brand name for an antidote for opioid overdose called naloxone.

And naloxone is the antagonist that can completely or partially reverse an opioid overdose, even if someone has reached the point of having serious breathing problems.

Often, you will see the word used by Narcan when it comes to naloxone. This is similar to someone who asks for a Kleenex, when what they really want, is a handkerchief. It's the same thing, but one is a brand. In these cases, Narcan and Kleenex are the brand names. Evzio is another brand that makes naxolone.

In another example, some people ask for a Motrin, which is the brand name of the ibuprofen drug. Make sense?

So, how does the drug work?

During an opioid overdose, the airways may stop, resulting in the victim losing consciousness and / or falling into a coma. Naloxone essentially releases the opioid and takes its place in the opioid receptors of the brain.

How can it be administered?

Although a health care professional can administer the drug by means of an injection, it is most often used in the form of a nasal spray, so that n & # 39; anyone who can administer the life-saving medication.

A dose can be used on someone who has overdosed, spraying it once in one nostril.

The person must not breathe for the medication to be administered.

According to Narcan.com, a patient can respond to the drug in two to three minutes.

Who can buy it?

Most states require a prescription.

In states where a prescription is not necessary, pharmacists can provide an individual prescription directly to residents. This is what is called direct distribution.

Click here to find out if your state allows direct distribution.

First responders are also able to buy in bulk in order to keep the medications necessary for their survival.

How many doses can be used?

After the initial dose, if the person does not respond, naloxone can be given every three minutes, alternating nostrils.

If the person comes to and then stops responding, more doses of naloxone may be administered.

It should be noted, however, that emergency care will still be required and that the person administering naloxone should call 911 immediately, despite the number of doses administered.

Are there any side effects?

Because the drug will essentially immediately clear the opioid brain receptors, people can almost instantly start having severe withdrawal symptoms, including:

  • Atrophy
  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Running nose
  • Increased heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Stomach cramps
  • Sneezing
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Nervousness
  • Agitation
  • Weakness

Is there something wrong naloxone ?

According to its website, the antidote should not be used if a person is allergic to naloxone hydrochloride or to the following ingredients:

  • Benzalkonium chloride (which is a preservative)
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetate disodium (which is a stabilizer)
  • Sodium chloride
  • Hydrochloric acid (for adjusting pH)
  • Purified water

Thus, is it medicine? the response to the opioid crisis?

Well, it's a pretty busy question. Critics argue that the use and supply of naloxone regularly facilitates dysfunction.

Accepting the use of naloxone, is to admit that we have a problem that can not be overcome otherwise. It's a philosophical argument, really.

Dr. Frank McGeorge, medical expert, compared it to fire hoses: As in, fires are going to happen, whatever.

"We certainly do not want fires, but we must always have pipes available," said McGeorge.

It seems that overdoses of opiates are a problem that we can not overcome by stopping the flow of opiates, the doctor added.

Still, it seems that naloxone is too good to be true in some cases. Not true?

Not so fast. This is certainly not a perfect medicine.

Keep in mind that when you give it to someone, "you can make (a person) very sick, very quickly," McGeorge said. "So it's not a universally fabulous thing, but it can pull (some of) the claws of death – and it's always better than death."

Also, naloxone is a very safe medicine, all things considered. If this is given to someone who has not taken opiates, this will have no effect.

And the cost is very low, especially compared to the cost of calling a paramedic. It's much cheaper than that, says McGeorge.

Click here to learn more about Narcan

Graham Media Group 2018

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