What do Silicon Valley technicians and celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian have in common? They are fans of the ketogenic diet – the high-fat, low-carb diet that is making waves in the world of health and well-being.
Not only can the keto diet help you lose a few extra pounds, but some research indicates that the keto diet can help prevent age-related diseases, reduce "brain fogging" and boost blood pressure. energy.
"Ketosis is the goal when eating a ketogenic diet – to transfer your energy source from carbohydrates (glucose) to fats (ketones), which helps burn fat" said McKel Hill, dietitian and founder of Nutrition Stripped. "It could look something like a diet composed of about 70-75% of your daily calories from fat, with about 20% protein and only 5% carbohydrates."
The keto diet is known as one of the toughest ones out there, largely because the standard American diet tends to rely on a high dose of carbohydrates and sugar. And if giving up your whole-grain bagel is not enough, there's also the keto-flu – the withdrawal or transition symptoms that some people feel shortly after the start of the keto diet .
If you've heard of the potential benefits of the keto diet and want to try it out, here are eight tips to make the diet without driving you crazy:
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