The tragedy of Laos: the thick mud hampers rescue efforts, News from Southeast Asia and Top Stories


ATTAP (Laos) • Rescue fighters fought against thick mud and floodwaters in a remote area of ​​southern Laos to find survivors of Monday's deadly dam that flooded whole villages.

the complexity of the rescue operation and contradictory official statements.

The head of the rescue mission, Kumriang Authakaison, said yesterday that eight people had been confirmed dead, as against 27 previously. He added that 123 were confirmed missing. But the Attapeu provincial committee's deputy secretary, Meenaporn Chaichompoo, said a day earlier that "we do not find 1,126 people."

Questions are asked about the construction quality of the $ 1.2 billion dam. The Minister of Energy and Mines of Laos, Khammany Inthirath, said Friday in a radio interview: "It could be the building technique that led to the collapse."



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