Lucas Digne leaves the Barcelona tour to finalize his departure – Football


The back was strongly linked to a move to Everton

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Barcelona defender Lucas Digne paid tribute to the Catalan club after giving them permission to leave their pre-season tour to finalize their release.

The Frenchman, who was strongly linked to a transfer to Everton, had been to America with the Barça team, but he returned to Spain on Sunday, the club said.

"Lucas Digne is going to Barcelona today with the club's permission to finalize his departure from the club," Barcelona wrote on Twitter.

And then Digne took on Instagram to pay tribute to the club that he joined from Paris St Germain in 2016.

He wrote: "I want to say thank you very much to everyone, first to the club who gave me everything since my arrival.

"Thanks to all the physiotherapists, to the staff with whom I worked, to the physical trainers, to the security guards, everything that makes the club a family."

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