Three more Proud Boys members arrested for a violent fight in New York


NEW YORK – Three other members of the far-right group known as Proud Boys were arrested and charged on Monday, more than a week later. violent fight in the streets of Manhattan. The New York Police Department had already stopped two other members of Proud Boy as part of the scrum.

Police arrested Irvin Antillon, 41, of Queens, NY, and Douglas Lennan, 40, of Northport, NY, for riot and assault, police said Monday. A third man, Maxwell Hare, 26, from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was charged with assault, assault, riot and criminal possession of a weapon.

Founder and leader of the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes, previously said that he had organized the handing over of members sought by the NYPD.

John Kinsman, 39, was arrested Friday morning. He was charged with attempted assault against a gang, attempted assault, riot and criminal possession of a weapon. At the time of his appearance, prosecutors called Kinsman "the most vicious member" of Proud Boys, reported the New York Post.

The NYPD said it was looking to arrest up to nine Proud Boys as part of the fight after McInnes' speech at the Metropolitan Republican Club on Oct. 12. Geoffrey Young, 38, was arrested Thursday.

The NYPD told The New York Times last week that it had opened a "regular criminal investigation" on the group.

The altercation between Proud Boys 'members and antifascist protesters, or antifa, broke out a block away when six people dressed in black and wearing masks clashed with Proud Boys' members, said Oct. 15. Chief Inspector of the New York Police Department, Dermot Shea in Black threw a bottle on the Proud Boys group and a fight ensued for about 38 seconds until the intervention of uniformed officers .

In a separate incident that night, police said three protesters had been arrested after stealing a man's backpack.

You may hear insults and curses in a video showing the fight as men kicked several demonstrators on the sidewalk. The NYPD aired a sequence showing the altercation from another angle in the hope of identifying the participants.

McInnes, 48, co-founder of Vice Media and left the company in 2008, created the Proud Boys in 2016. The club's Facebook event on this speech described him as "the rebel of the right" and " Banished from Twitter – this godfather of the Hipster movement has engaged and denounced the deep state socialists and defended Western values. "

However, the Southern Poverty Law Center claims that the Proud Boys and their leaders "regularly broadcast white nationalist memes and maintain links with known extremists".

The Metropolitan Republican Club has defended its decision to invite McInnes in a statement to BuzzFeed News: "The Gavin conference on Friday night, although it was sometimes politically incorrect and a little upset, certainly did not incite violence . "

Before the speech, vandals broke windows, filled a keyboard lock with glue, and spray-painted the doors of the Metropolitan Republican Club. A note left on the scene stated that the damage was "just the beginning".

Caroline Linton contributed to this report.

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