China sent to the space and the DNA of its fellow citizens


Китай отправил в космос ДНК своих сограждан

China has achieved another feat in the field of genetic engineering and the space sector. Shainghai ManWei Technology has put into orbit the very first space gene, the bank, the DSB-01 bank.

About this, TASS refers to China's central television.

The launch took place on October 24 in Baikonur Taiyuan (Shanxi Province, North China) with the help of the "Chanchzhen-4" aircraft carrier rocket.

According to the project organizers, the genetic material obtained from eight Chinese citizens will be safe for about a thousand years. It is placed in a container not exposed to spatial radiation.

According to the TV channel, citing experts, the state could become unfit for humanity in the next 400 years due to resource depletion and overcrowding.

"We expect this genebank to create a new human civilization," the report said.

In the near future, Shainghai ManWei technology will create a space in the gene bank that will store millions of samples. According to the company's plan, this genetic material must then be transported to Mars and a "planet similar to the Earth".

China is actively developing its national space program. In addition to meteorological, communication and navigation satellites, the country has developed a technology to study asteroids and Mars, as well as to study in depth the surface of Chinese scientists who have the intend to launch between 2020 and 2025.

Earlier in Ukraine, the first child of three parents.

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