Cancer Warnings To Be Printed In Every Single Cigarette In Canada


We know by now that smoking cigarettes is not good for us. It causes cancer, it turns to lungs black and it's highly addictive.

Although every single packet is plastered with these warnings along with gruesome images, in Canada the government is looking into even more extreme measures to get the message across.

In a bid to get people to quit, the country is considering cigarettes.

Credit: CTV
Credit: CTV

Obviously that would mean they'd have to keep the message brief, with one of the most significant being 'smoking causes cancer' or something along those lines.

A government document, as reported by the Sun, stated: "There is no such thing as a cigarette, it can be effective in making the product less appealing to users."

Those in support of the initiative would like to know that they would like to know that they would like to know that they would like to know more about it.

Apparently this is a huge problem in Canada – the price is between 40-65 (US $ 52-84) for a 200-cigarette cardboard, but black market packs of the same size have been flogged for just over a decade.

As such, the government loses tens of millions of dollars and it is significantly more organized crime. Meanwhile, figures released by the government show that 45,000 Canadians die of smoking-related problems every year.

So the hope is that the cigarettes could kill two birds, one of them, they would put off smoking and help the government to cut down on the output of illegal smokes.

Credit: PA
Credit: PA

However, anyone who is a smoker in the UK will make a difference.

The figures of people in the UK are declining, yes, but many argue that this is in spite of the health warnings, not because of them, and is more to do with people adopting healthier lifestyles overall.

Whatever your take on the matter, the debate on how to tackle the issue of smoking in Canada, the following approach.

One thing we are sure to suck to be a smoker in 2018.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay

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