DPMs Tharman, Teo Chee Hean and 3 PAP Leaders Leave Central Executive Committee


SINGAPORE: Five top officials of the People's Action Party (PAP) have resigned from its Central Executive Committee (CEC), party secretary-general Lee Hsien Loong said on Sunday.

They are: Transportation Minister Khaw Boon Wan, Deputy Prime Ministers Teo Chee Hean and Tharman Shanmugaratnam, as well as Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim and Mr. Lim Swee Say.

He was speaking at the PAP conference and awards, during which the party elected a new list of members to the CEC, the party's highest decision-making body.

Dr. Yaacob and Mr. Lim retired from the office earlier this year after a reshuffle.

In his speech, Mr. Lee stated that, even though MM. Khaw, Teo and Tharman have withdrawn from the CEC, they will remain in the Cabinet.

At the election of the CEC on Sunday, Lee said the party was passing a "major milestone in political renewal." He added that after the elections, the new CEC would meet in "a few weeks" to elect a new group of members. In due course, he added, he would respond to the changes in Cabinet makeup.


Describing Mr. Khaw, Mr. Tharman and Mr. Teo as three of his "closest comrades in arms," ​​he stated that they were going back far in time.

"We have fought many battles over the years and have had ups and downs together," he said.

"I can not do justice to the contributions of these five outgoing members of the CEC in my speech this morning," he added. "But all five have served the party with loyalty and distinction, and for that we owe them all a big thank you."

In his speech, he spoke about the individual contributions of each of the five members.


Minister Khaw Boon Wan, Mdm Ho Ching, Prime Minister Emeritus Goh Chok Tong, Minister K Shanmugam and Minister Chan Chun Sing at the PAP Conference and Award Ceremony at the Singapore Expo on November 11, 2018. ( Photo: Jeremy Long)

Whenever Singapore faces a difficult challenge in health, housing or transport, Lee said Khaw had "stepped up efforts to deal with it".

"Boon Wan made progress on all these difficult issues, while explaining to the public what he was doing, showing them that everything was in good hands and persuading them to wait a little longer," he said. he declares.

As president of the party, he added, Khaw "did not make a lot of fiery speeches," but his work between the elections "helped tremendously" to get the party to hold its promises and achieve good results in the elections.

DPM Tharman, he said, played a major role in shaping Singapore's new economic and social policies.

"Whether it is to help SMEs improve their productivity or set up the special credit system for employment, in order to help older workers stay employed, it provides not only ideas, but also living means to explain the essence of what they are, from trampolines to escalators. "

READ: 4G leaders strengthen the Central Executive Committee of PAP; senior members retire

And DPM Teo gave Mr. Lee "expert advice" on the most difficult issues.

"I rely on his independent judgment and his constant support in many areas," he said. "He does not hesitate to tackle the thorny issues and launch political criticism on behalf of the team, especially at critical moments and during the elections."

Dr. Yaacob reinforced the party's support for the Malaysian community and assured Malay Muslims that they are being treated fairly in a multi-racial society, Lee said.

Mr. Lim's greatest strength, Mr. Lee said, lies in his ability to nurture relationships with ordinary Singaporeans – not just with the "folk and living slogans" that he invented, but with his " incredible persuasion skills "that he used for the" most difficult problems ", face to face with the residents.


Minister of Health Gan Kim Yong and former Minister Lim Swee Say at PAP Conference and Award Ceremony at Singapore Expo on November 11, 2018. (Photo: Jeremy Long)


At the conference, PAP Party officials also voted for members of the new CEC.

Lee, Minister of Trade and Industry, Chan Chun Sing, Education Minister, Ong Ye Kung, and Finance Minister, Heng Swee Keat, have been identified as potential successors of Premier Minister.

Mr. Lee described the leadership of 4G as a team of "capable men and women," with "a good combination of skills."

He added that the 4G team has been in the Cabinet for several years and has been tested in several portfolios, adding that it works with each other and learns to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

"They gain experience, are ready to serve and, most importantly, have their hearts in the right place," he said. "I can see them evolve as a team and I am confident that they have what it takes to lead Singapore."

Lee said the party conference could be the last before the next general election.

"The new CEC will lead the party in the final stretch, preparing to put our record in the place of the voters," he said.

"The PAP must win the EG convincingly."

Mr. Tharman said it was a privilege for him to be part of the PAP's CEC since 2002, a year after entering politics,

Describing the events as a "major transition" in the PAP, he added that his colleagues, Mr. Khaw and Mr. Teo, had left the CEC to create space for the 4G team to assume responsibilities. leading roles.

In a Facebook post, Tharman said, "I share the Prime Minister's confidence in the 4G team, and I have worked closely with them, some for many years.

"They are capable, will work well as a team and, more importantly, will have their hearts in the right place.They are in politics because they want to help Singaporeans, especially ordinary people, to realize what they are doing. they want for themselves and their children.

"I am sure that they will also ensure that the PAP stays a wide tent, bringing diverse points of view, and will remain attentive to the changing needs and aspirations of Singaporeans."

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