A Fisherman's Tale is a new tripping puzzle game aimed at VR helmets in January


The people at Vertigo Games have changed the way we think about VR play for a few years now. The team behind Arizona Sunshine, masterfully scary shooter, and his brilliant stratey adventure, Skyworld, is about to release a unique puzzle game for just about every virtual reality platform in January. This is called Fisherman's Tale, and the first looks are extremely promising.

Virtual reality thinking games tend to work very well because you can really have the impression of picking up objects in your environment to open boxes or unscrew bulbs, but the description of A Fisherman's Tale includes one element in particular that lets me believe for something completely new.

In a way, A Fisherman's Tale is a cooperative game – but instead of playing with others, you team up with several dimensions of yourself! Able to twist and bend your new strange reality, you will be challenged with multidimensional puzzles all along your journey to the heart of a tale of an unusual height.

The video and screenshots of this game up to now suggest that you will be interacting with the previous tasks you have completed, which is a fascinating change of mindset in and of itself.

A fisherman's tale will appear in January 2019 on PlayStation VR, Mixed Reality Windows, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

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