The parents of a Chinese girl one year old were shocked to find a 4.5 cm long needle stuck in their child 's heart after taking her to the hospital. hospital for a chronic cough.
The couple, whose name is Xie, local media said that their daughter Chenchen often coughed at night and that she had developed fever in recent weeks.
They decided to take her to Wuhan Children's Hospital on June 26, when her condition did not improve.
According to the Taiwan Taiwan Times, the doctors took two X-rays and found a foreign object in the chest cavity of the girl
After further checks, it was determined that the & 9 [[[objectwasintheleftheartventricleofChenchen
told Pi Mingan, a hospital cardiovascular surgeon, that the object looked like a needle that she uses regularly. "The needle is stuck in the heart and if it is not removed, it can be very dangerous". 19659002] That night, Chenchen underwent an emergency operation and the needle, measuring 2 mm in diameter, was removed successfully
Dr. Pi added that the needle appeared rusty, indicating that she may have been in the girl's body for some time
Chenchen's mother said that she likes to sew, although she does not know not how the needle is found in the body of his daughter. She added that she is happy that her daughter is safe and that she is watching her more closely.
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