A new study suggests that wearing a tie could reduce blood flow to the brain


The next time any of your friends or acquaintances draws a Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother and tells you to "dress up", you might want to give up the tie, as a new study suggests that wearing a tie reduces blood flow to the brain, potentially preventing the brain from processing information as easily as it should.

According to an article published last week in the journal Neuroradiology and cited by the medical website Aunt Minnie the impact of the wearing of ties on the health of people was largely unknown before the 21st century. In the early 2000s, researchers began to investigate whether neckties posed a health risk to their carriers, with some suggesting that neckties could serve as a vessel for nosocomial and other infections suggesting that neckties might affect intraocular pressure or fluid pressure. eye. The new study, however, is focused on the possible effect of the links on cerebral blood flow, particularly how the neckwear could compress blood flow into the jugular vein if a tie is tightened.

For their study, a team of researchers led by Dr. Robin Luddecke of the Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital in Kiel, Germany, recruited 30 healthy young men and divided them in two groups, a group of 15 who wore open-neck shirts and another group of 15 asked to wear ties. A report from New York Post quoting an article by a member of New Scientist indicated that the men in the tie group were to wear knotted ties in Windsor.

Both groups received a series of three MRIs, with men in the open-collar shirt group passing the last two MRIs without a tie. As noted Aunt Minnie researchers' methodologies required that the group of neckties undergo basic sweeping with a low-cut tie and an open neck, the second with the shirt collar closed and the tie tight, and the third and last with the tie loosened and the collar button open.

According to the results of the researchers, those who had links saw their blood flow to the brain decrease by about 4.33 mL / min / 100 g, or about 7 , 5%, between the basic scan and the second MRI, where the link has been tightened. The difference jumped to 12.8% from the baseline in the final analysis, just after the subjects relaxed their links. Cerebral blood flow counts were similar in all three scans for those in the control group.

Interestingly, the researchers did not notice any statistically significant changes in blood flow in the jugular vein.

As an excuse for people to stop wearing ties to ensure normal blood circulation to the brain, Metro opined that research is not limitless. For example, only 30 men participated in the study, which is too few subjects for anyone to make a generalization. The publication added that participants had to wear their ties in an extremely uncomfortable way and that their reaction times, decision-making capabilities and other relevant parameters to the impact of the reduction of the cerebral blood flow, have not been taken into account by researchers. 19659010] !! (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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