A nightmarish life on the run, says Jamal in court


Fugitive Umno division chief says he was "scared" by police and MACC raids after the change of government.

Division head of Umno Jamal Yunos was denied bail after being extradited from Indonesia. (Photo by Bernama)

AMPANG: Jamal Yunos, division chief of Umno, said today in a court that he had lived two nightmarish months while he was in. flight to Indonesia before being arrested and deported.

He failed to persuade the magistrate to grant him bail, and was sentenced to remand until his case was mentioned on July 30th.

In his plea for bail, Jamal said the life he had been leading in Indonesia for nearly two months had been a "nightmare".

"I would not want to relive that life, and hope to erase my name from all the charges I have," he said of the wharf. He urged the court to grant him bail. "I promise to go to the police station every day."

He was calm and calm when he went to court. "I wanted to go to the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta but I was arrested when I arrived from Sumatra," he said.

Jamal, head of Sungai Besar Umno, and the leader of the Red Shirt Movement disappeared in May from a hospital where he had been charged with another offense and was released on bail. He has been wanted by the police since, and was arrested Monday by the Indonesian police.

He told the magistrate that he thought his bail process had been completed after his indictment

in the afternoon (May 25) and once I was out of prison. I had finished signing the papers, there was no more police at the hospital. I think I was released from pre-trial detention, "said Jamal.

He added that he had wanted to run, he would have done so before being charged this week.

As a political leader, Jamal has been cooperating every time under police investigation.However, he was "scared" by several raids conducted by the Malaysian police and anti-corruption commission after the change of government in May

"I am afraid the government persecutes me," he said Mohamad Firdaus Sadina Ali, ordered that he be remanded in custody

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