A Singaporean woman sentenced to 33 months in the biggest scandal in the history of the US Navy


A Singaporean woman, Gursharan Kaur Sharon Rachael, was sentenced to two years and nine months imprisonment for her participation in what is known as the "Fat Leonard Scandal". Gursharan, 57, was convicted of financial conspiracy The bribery scandal is the largest in the history of the US Navy

. The ex-contract specialist with the US Navy reportedly sold sensitive information from the US Navy and collected more than $ 130,000. That's what she did with Leonard Glenn Francis (known as Fat Leonard), Glenn Defense Marine Asia CEO (GDMA), a Malaysian maritime services company

. US Navy also found guilty, including Rear-Admiral Gilbeau

Gursharan was running the corruption program while she was still employed by the US Navy. She resigned in 2015 after 25 years serving the US government. Part of his work with the US Navy involved writing, negotiating and evaluating contract offers. Most of the jobs she has held include contract management and the general affairs of US ships in the port, which amounted to millions of dollars.

Part of the rewards she got for selling secret information from the US Navy to Francis pay for a large condominium, including a prudential policy. Gursharan also enjoyed stays of more than $ 30,000 in Ritz-Carlton luxury hotels in Bali and Dubai, and at the Shangri-La hotel in Jakarta.

Gursharan is not the only person to suffer the scandal of the United States. Francis was also arrested in the United States for defrauding the US Navy by more than $ 48 million, or $ 35 million US. He could be sentenced to a maximum of 25 years at the end of the investigations. Several senior US Navy officials have also been arrested, 12 of them pleading guilty to fraud. Among them, Rear-Admiral Robert Gilbeau, sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Gursharan left to the east, according to analysts

The Bureau of Investigation of Corrupt Practices (CPIB) of Singapore said that Gursharan Navy data that allowed to Francis' company, GDMA, to win 11 of the 14 contracts they bid on, generating around US $ 48 million in the process. C.P.I.B. investigations have shown that Gursharan provided G.D.M.A. with pricing strategies as well as G.D.M.A. information on competitors' prices and questions that the Market Review Committee asked competitors. G.D.M.A.

District Judge Shaiffudin Saruwan ruled that Gursharan had committed "gross abuse of trust and authority" and took many premeditated steps to avoid detection between 2006 and 2013 when she committed the offenses. She has been convicted of three charges of bribery and one charge of profiting from financial crime. The judge ordered Gursharan to waive the sum of 130,278 Australian dollars that she benefited from the criminal agreements in favor of C.P.I.B. from Singapore

Analysts say Gursharan has escaped the light. They say she should have been sentenced to five years in prison and sentenced to $ 100,000 from Singapore for corruption charges. And to acquire, possess, use, conceal or transfer benefits of criminal conduct, she could have been imprisoned for up to 10 years and fined $ 500,000 Singapore, according to Channel News Asia.

Fat Leonard: The Greatest Naval Scandal of the Decade

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