The request of a former student to obtain his master's degree by a court order failed after a judge found the National University of Singapore justified in denying him the degree.
Judge Woo Bih Li ruled that although Ms. Jeanne-Marie Ten had She also had to meet the administrative requirements of the university if she was reasonable.
"The denial of any degree to a candidate who has otherwise met the academic requirements is the denial of a substantive right. It is a measure not to be taken lightly, "said Judge Woo in his 94-page judgment released earlier this month.
Ms. Ten, 47, Diploma Candidate Master's degree in architecture from the NUS School of Design and Environment in 2002, had asked NUS to award her the diploma and obtain damages.
She had to finish her degree at mid-2005 but her dissatisfaction with her supervisor and the developments that followed her candidacy ended in September 2006. She had been informed about six months earlier that her thesis had been approved and that she still had to submit form RO.85 duly completed and signed, a copy of his completed thesis and to download it
However, she only submitted a copy of the thesis, but did not succeed electronically download it and to sign and submit form RO.85 for The reasons that emerged during a court proceeding.
Judge Woo noted that the form contained various guarantees that NUS was entitled to obtain candidates. These required, among other things, that the candidate guarantee that the thesis did not contain any protected material and that the candidate had complied with the NUS guidelines on the integrity of the research.
Christopher Daniel, Ms. Ten's lawyer, argued that the clause required him to indemnify NUS If a third party sued NUS for infringing intellectual property, even if it failed, it was too broad to be reasonable. NUS 'lawyer Chia Voon Jiet challenged her claim.
Woo J. argued that, even if she had the right to reject the clause, she would not have submitted the form as a "genuine reason" for refusing to do so. his work would be used by Dr. Wong (his supervisor Wong Yunn Chii) without proper recognition. "
Expressing sympathy for Ms. Ten, the judge said that he hoped the parties would deal" one way or the other ".
A NUS spokesman said yesterday that the NUS had sought to confer the grade on Ms. Ten but that she was unable to do so because she did not meet the necessary conditions [19659002"NUSremainswillingtocomplywiththeapplicablerequirementssetoutinthecourtjudgment"
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