A two-year-old boy in China infected with HIV; Awkwardness of the suspected hospital, East Asia News and Top Stories


A toddler in Guizhou, China, contracted the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), most likely during treatment at the hospital.

Chinese Communist Party newspaper Beijing Youth Daily said Saturday (July 28th) that the country's highest authority on health, has started a 10-day investigation into the case

In an open letter Xiaotian's parents, two years old (not his real name), said that he had been taken to the Guiyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital in October last year after he had accidentally breathed into a piece of apple. He was tested negative for HIV when he was admitted.

The letter also stated that both parents had tested negative for HIV

After its symptoms worsened, the child was transferred to the Chongqing Children's Hospital. In December of this year, China Daily reported on Friday. He was later found to be HIV positive.

Xiaotian was tested twice in June of this year in different hospitals, and was confirmed twice for having HIV.

On Friday, the Guiyang Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission declared a statement that it received a complaint and started a multi-departmental investigation, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday.

The agency immediately performed blood tests on 33 medical staff members who had been in contact with the boy. blood samples. No anomalies were found.

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