According to a post-GE14 salary survey report, sales and marketing roles are in high demand


The roles of sales and marketing were among the six most in-demand job categories for 2017-2018 in Malaysia, according to the report on post-GE14 wages.

The report, which surveyed 1.2 million job seekers on, as well as human resource managers, recruiters, and business owners, said that the generating roles of revenues are "very crucial" in the competitive environment of rapidly changing business. He also noted an increase in brand and digital efforts by companies to continue to interact with existing and potential consumers. Therefore, the need for roles such as marketing director and product manager.

The expected salary for a vice president (sales and marketing, strategy and planning) role is RM15,000 to RM50,000, while senior marketing executives and project managers can expect to earn between 12,000 and 40,000 RM. Meanwhile, key account managers are expected to earn between RM 6,000 and RM 30,000, while digital marketing managers, marketing communication managers and marketing directors are expected to earn between RM 5,000 and RM 10,000. .

The list of industries in demand was computer, customer service, F & B / hospitality / tourism and engineering. said that while Malaysia's employment trends differ before and after the general election, there is no doubt that regional employment trends may affect the country as a result of globalization. jobs and the growing number of multinationals in Malaysia. ] One of the trends identified in the report is that jobs and technology skills have grown the most and are here to stay, with demand coming from technology and non-technology companies. In addition, roles that involve understanding and working with potential and existing customers are critical to the success of the company. In order to attract and hire top talent, companies must implement relevant branding strategies to promote their organizational credibility, ensuring that potential candidates know that they are a good place to work.

These companies must have talents as consumers and offer the most ideal values ​​and experience to their personalities. From the career site to the stage of the application, it is essential to maintain consistency and a positive experience of the candidates. In addition, data-driven technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) are a "game changer" in talent management, allowing companies to adapt to increased market competitiveness and support business needs constantly evolving. AI can offer ideas to help develop more sophisticated HR strategies for better hiring, employee retention, career development and succession planning.

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