Actress supporting Najib because the Malays, Islam & # 39; under the threat & # 39;


Actress Ellie Suriati Omar defended her vocal support to former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, saying that she wanted to be a fighter and not a lackey of the current government.

Speaking at a live session with the Malaysian daily Sinar Harian yesterday, she said that her "fight" for the Malay race and Islam is crucial.

"People say that I ate" dedak "(took bribes), that I was was, they say all kinds of things , no matter, the fight must be above criticism and I choose to be a fighter for what is right

"I'm stuck by Datuk Seri Najib when he faced the battle of perception for years. I laid my head to protect a person who was being shot because I believed in the defense of the truth, "she said

according to the actress of 48 years old, when BN and Umno were there She explains that the situation changed when Pakatan Harapan came to power after the May 9 general elections, when she began to think about the future of the Malays and the country. ;Islam. [TRADUCTION] "What Datuk Seri Najib said was true, when Umno is no longer in power, the Malays and Islam will be challenged … that the Malays will be bastardized ( terbangsat ) in their own country 19659002] "For me, Umno is not a racist party, it is a party that ensures unity between different races, I am very worried about Harapan's campaign for racial equality … it sounds easy but it can divide "I feel strange when people call me racist. Ellie cited the statement in Chinese language issued by Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, the press conference conducted in English by Attorney General Tommy Thomas at the High Court in Kuala Lumpur, as well as the proposed recognition of the certificate of approval. unified examination (UEC) as alleged examples of threats to Malaysian rights.

"Those who do not realize will be left behind and will not feel threatened, the transformation the country is undergoing and what is happening in social media … the other races are denigrating the world.

"During all this time, we have kept the sensitivity of the Rukun Negara, so that no race is hurt, but now the anger between the other races is manifesting itself, this behavior impolite and insolent did not occur under the administration of the BN, "she said.

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