All Polytechnics Blacklist Technology Company, Latest News from Singapore


A technology company was blacklisted by polytechnics, following a similar move by at least four other schools

The company was initially blacklisted by the National University of Singapore (NUS) following allegations of improper conduct. 19659002] On Monday, The New Paper reported that NUS removed the company from its portals following complaints from four students.

Three of the students had filed complaints of unfair labor practices from 2016 until last year while they were doing an internship in the company.

Then, in April of this year, NUS filed a police report against the company as a result of a self-directed internship interview with the director.

Tuesday, Lasalle College of Arts, Nanyang Technological University and the University of Technology and Design of Singapore blacklisted the school.

If any red flag or adverse feedback is raised by NYP students, the company will be by M. Thambyrajah T, Registrar of the Nanyang Polytechnic

The Polytechnic Movement brings to nine the total number of schools that have listed the company on the blacklist.

Polytechnic spokesmen confirmed that no Mr. Thambyrajah T, registrar of the Nanyang Polytechnic School (NYP), said that students can do internships with only companies that are first approved by the school.

"If a red or opposing flag" Trainees also visit students at their place of work several times during the course and will intervene if they find irregularities, "he added. [19659002]

Polytechnic schools have also put in place numerous protective and feedback measures to protect students.

A spokesman for Temasek Polytechnic said that students are informed before internships. 19659002] "In As part of improving the internship experience of our students, the adequacy of the organization is regularly reviewed for future internship partnerships, "she explains

TNP understands that the interview of the fourth NUS student took place in March via a one-way Skype video call, during which the director could see her but she could not see him.

The director , who is husband she had twice offered her the usual probationary allowance if she accompanied her on a business trip without informing the school.

NUS also informed police of a message circulating among students that contained unverified allegations of a sexual nature against the director. 19659002] The director denied these allegations. – SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT OF SHERLYN SIM

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