Alonso asks McLaren to investigate performance issues


Hockenheim – Fernando Alonso appealed to his team McLaren on Saturday to launch an investigation into the performance problems of the car that
teammate hobbled Stoffel Vandoorne .

The Spanish champion twice declared a "deep
investigation "was necessary because there were clear signs of a performance
problem manifested by a lack of strength.

"I think he's doing what he can," said Alonso
after he qualified 11th for Sunday's German Grand Prix while Vandoorne was
20th and last.

"Certainly, the last two races, it seems that the car has
a kind of performance problem, and there are clear signs on the data
there is less force on this car.

"We changed some parts and we have to go deep
in this investigation because with the two cars near the points it is always
a little easier. "

Vandoorne was overqualified by Alonso at every event
this year and said that his car was "undemonstrable" to the British Grand
Price. He said that he had endured the "worst Friday" of his career

Vandoorne said that it was difficult to accept his situation.

"Since we hit the ground at Silverstone, we've been from afar
the last car and it turned out the same thing today. I can not really say anything

"It's frustrating, we changed a lot of parts on the car
and it still does not work. Certainly, I have not forgotten how to drive a
car. "

Vandoorne's misery is just a part of more of a slow crisis
who has consumed McLaren this year like them and fellow old-big Williams
have suffered subsidence in the form.

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