A 21-year-old policeman was rushed to hospital after his car struck a car at a junction on Saturday morning, July 14.
The accident occurred at the junction of Bedok North Road Road Road and Bedok. As reported by a local resident, who was just taking some pictures of the aftermath of the accident. These images showed that the railing on the center road divider had been damaged due to the accident.
Later, the police said they were alerted to the accident around 11:03 am. When the police reached the scene of the accident, they found the officer 21-year-old injured police on the scene. Since he needed treatment for minor injuries, the officials took him to Changi General Hospital, located at 2 Simei Street 3, which is nine or 11 minutes away. the place of the accident
. While almost every day or two accidents still occur inside the city, the Singapore report on the 2017 annual traffic situation has claimed the opposite. The report states that the traffic safety situation has improved in 2017 compared to the previous year. He also said that last year, there were few road accidents and that the number of fatalities and fatalities fell to its lowest level ever. The figures showed that fatal accidents decreased to 118 cases last year from 140 cases in 2016.
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