United Open Premier League season against Leicester on August 10, live on Sky Sports
Last update: 29/07/18 5:45 pm
Last update: 29/07/18 5:45 pm
Jose Mourinho reveals his frustrations over the inactivity of Manchester transfers United and how a signature could be underway [19659023] United does not count many outstanding players from the first team, including international English Jesse Lingard, Ashley Young and Marcus Rashford, while Romelu Lukaku and Paul Pogba also stays on vacation after the World Cup.
However, Herrera was keen to congratulate his more inexperienced team members.
Herrera says the resources of Manchester United are pushed to their limits
" Everyone is doing their best, trying to help us, even the kids, they do incredible things, they try to help, "he said.
"But the difference between us and Milan, or Liverpool, is that they have 16 or 17 first-team players and we have maybe 10.
"We must say thanks to the kids because they help and give it all, so let's try to keep improving and always focus on the first Premier League game against Leicester. "
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