Last updated on July 27, 2018 at 09:34
Contains in a TOC submission today (July 25), a recording of a speech by the Vice Principal of the United States. Institution St. Joseph (SJI), Mr Leonard Tan, who claimed that activism creates social division.
The speech was delivered following the ban on the conference that took place against the director of the inter-university LGBT Research & Advocacy Network, Rachel Yeo, on the eve of an event [email protected] that was held on July 20
In his speech to students of the Catholic school, Mr. Tan emphasized the privilege of SJI students, who, according to him, are all in a position to influence Singaporean society in the future:
Now I will put all of you here [the issue to] in context. I have to make that very, very clear. You are all here one day able to influence. It is very clear, agree? You will go out there. I saw [it] you know?
In recent years, the number of scholarships declared, the number of prestigious universities in which you have been enrolled, the jobs you occupy. . . Whatever you do, all in all, Josephians, you will all be in a position of very important influence, and the influence is a responsibility that you can not take lightly.
What you say will influence many people. , many around you, five people, fifty people, five hundred people, five thousand people, like Mr. Liew Yip – former Josephian, head of the public service – [who] command a staff of 60 000 … Me- even included. What he says will affect 60,000 people, plus millions of Singaporeans, is not it? Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean [is] is also a former Josephian. Each of you will be able to influence.
Now, with that, every problem that comes to you in the spirit and in front of you, [you] must be carefully considered and thought out. That's why here, I think, at SJI, we make sure that when you leave SJI, you're ready. You are ready to face the world and you are ready to lead, you are ready to be a person for others, [ready] to make a positive and impactful change. "
Mr. Tan rationalized the last-minute decision of the school withdraw their invitation to Ms. Yeo and emphasize that teachers must support the decision:
Why we invited and invited speakers – c & # 39, is something that teachers must support, we must support […] Now, the speaker was an LGBTQ activist + … She was an advocate of the LGBTQ + question
Referring to the role of Ms. Yeo As an LGBTQ + stakeholder, he urged his students to examine the definition of activism and wonder if such a definition is Applicable to Singapore
First, what we really want to think about, is the idea of an activist. Does any of you know this what is an activist? … [Has] One of you took part in a ctive demonstration, and c Will you [do] achieve [that] in Singapore, [we] do not have the protests that […] you know, the students do in France [and other] the European countries, [and in North] l? America, and so on. If you read Plato's Republic
you'll know why.
Quoting what he suggested as the traditional definition of activism, he said that "activism" is the vigorous campaign of political change – structural, political, change. "[19659014] million. Tan then referred to a French Catholic patron saint, St. John Baptist de La Salle, in his attempt to illustrate that activism as it is widely known in today's civil society. He may not always be effective in creating political change:
When he was in France, he saw poverty around him. . . He saw children who were neglected in the schools. He saw children who were not appreciated by society, and […] as a Catholic priest, he knew that every child […] had an intrinsic value, because that child is the child of God . God has placed his love and attention in every child.
Saint De La Salle did not go to campaign against the French government, or, you know, the Parisian bureaucracy, and say, "Hey, we have something to do." No. He had a few teachers, and started his own school to give what he thought was the best. He founded a group of brothers – the brothers De La Salle, schools of Christian brothers.
He influenced the change from within, directly affecting the person next to him […] If we want to start a change, start with myself and what can I do for my similar. I will not write letters on the forums complaining about this, complaining about this. No.
M. Tan went on to suggest that the history of pacifist social restructuring of St. De La Salle through education is fully applicable to Christian educators and students nowadays, instead of engaging in it. what he considers as "division":
My call […] as a Christian, as a Catholic: What can I do […] to help my fellow [who are] by my side? Simple. If I want to make a change, I will put myself in a position where I can change peacefully, coherently, [and] consistently.
Activism – any form of activism is a source of social division. It divides the society, it divides a community and a principle of the Josephian […] is [that] we are community builders.
That goes against what we defend. We are community builders. We do not divide the community. It's something that each of you must consider in your journey in SJI when you grow up.
He also stressed the need to remain steadfast towards Christian values by addressing issues such as activism, especially LGBTQ activism + issues in the event: [19659020AsaCatholicschoolwehaveourownbeliefsandvaluesthatarecenteredontheteachingsofChristandtheGospel[…] We also defend our own set of values. How are we defending them? By helping in education […]
[…] too, as a Catholic school, should not we also defend what we believe in? Everyone is called to get up one day. The call. . . What do you believe? As a Catholic school, that's what we believe in: the teachings of the Catholic Church.
That's why our call to all of you really is, as you form your identity, what do you believe in? […] Because it will guide you throughout life. Your life will depend on what you believe in.
M. Tan also stated that he was guided by the apostle St. Thomas, who said: "I serve God and I serve the country, in"
Asked about Mr. Tan's speech, the Network Interuniversity LGBT stated that he had chosen to reserve his comments on this subject
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