Artificial intelligence boosts drug delivery to eradicate malaria


Taipei, Nov 13 (IANS) Using the next generation Artificial Intelligence (AI) -based tools, a team of researchers has developed a new end-to-end drug discovery pipeline to eradicate malaria.

Insilico Taiwan, a Taipei-based subsidiary of Insilico Medicine, published in the journal Published by the Nature Publishing Group.

Plasmodium falciparum, the most dangerous human malaria parasite, is believed to cause millions of illnesses and about half a million deaths a year.

Plasmodium falciparum causes malaria in humans by destroying human haemoglobin through falcipain-2 (FP2).

"The control of malaria has been increased by new anti-malarial drugs, are urgently needed," said the researchers.

To counter this challenge, the team from Insilico Taiwan extensively studied the mechanisms by which the protease inhibitor E64 approaches, interacts with, and inhibits FP2.

The results shown that the binding of E64 and FP2 are facilitated by the "amino acids of FP2 located within FP2".

This suggests that the anti-malarial drug design should not only focus on finding drug candidates, but also consider the need for the drug candidate. pocket subsites.

"Insilico Taiwan is happy to present the work on malaria which can help save millions of lives," says Artur Kadurin, CEO, Insilico Medicine Taiwan.

"It is a fascinating experience for me working with our team on solving the problem of killing millions of people," added Dr. Emmanuel Salawu who holds a PhD in Bioinformatics.


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