Avoid these foods for a better sleep, Latest Health News


Your sleep influences your mood and your productivity. If you often have trouble falling asleep, your diet might be to blame. Try to coax these foods before bedtime


Fats take a long time to digest, making body work doubly hard to break down when it should be relaxing and ready to go to bed

In the hours before your sleep, avoid foods high in fats such as fried snacks and ice cream, and even foods that contain healthy fats like avocado. 19659002] ALCOHOL

Alcohol affects fast sleep (REM), which is considered good for learning, memory and mood. A researcher at the London Sleep Center said that alcohol disrupts sleep, especially in the second half of the night – during deep sleep.

REM sleep is a cycle that occurs many times, each time plunging into a deep sleep. ] SWEET FOOD

This will cause a rise in blood sugar that will crash just as quickly. Instead of making you sleepy, lethargy and agitation will settle in, leading to a more disturbed sleep. Try to have your treat at least three hours before bedtime.


Swallowing just before going to bed means frequent trips to the toilet. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day instead of waiting for the night to replenish your liquids.


Citrus fruits are diuretic, which forces you to urinate more often. Eating them can also cause indigestion or acid reflux, causing bloating, hiccups and burping.

You can opt for bananas, which have high levels of magnesium and potassium, electrolytes responsible for muscle relaxation, to help you sleep. TEA

In addition to caffeine, stimulants such as theobromine and theophylline increase heart rate and anxiety. Opt for a cup of hot milk, which has tryptophan, an amino acid that induces sleep. Or opt for caffeine-free teas such as chamomile tea.

This article first appeared in Shape (www.shape.com.sg)

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