Baby powder cancer case: Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $ 4.7 billion in damages


Johnson's baby powder. (Jeff Chiu / AP)

A Missouri jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $ 4.69 billion in damages to 22 women who claim that talcum powder products have caused cancer in Canada. Ovary

. the women's $ 550 million in compensatory damages and $ 4.14 billion in punitive damages, their lawyer, Mark Lanier, said in a news release. The pharmaceutical giant was selling asbestos-contaminated powder products, which was once a lung cancer-related talc pollutant, but there is some question as to whether talc powder can cause cancer of the ovary.

"Johnson & Johnson remains confident that its products do not contain asbestos and do not cause ovarian cancer and intends to pursue all available remedies on appeal", said Johnson in a statement, "deeply disappointed by the verdict". . "All the verdicts pronounced against Johnson & Johnson before this court were overturned and the multiple errors present in this trial were more serious than those of the previous lawsuits which were annulled."

For decades, talc has been used on babies. Women sometimes use it too, especially on the genitals to absorb moisture and reduce odors.

According to the complaint lodged last year in the Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis, women used the shower, an absorbent body powder, to "dust off their perineum for hygienic purposes. feminine. "

They said that they later developed ovarian cancer.

After Thursday's decision, the women's lawyer said the case was leading to the first talc. "For more than 40 years, Johnson & Johnson has covered asbestos proofs in their products," Lanier said in a press release. "We hope that this verdict will hold the attention of the J & J Board and that it will lead them to better inform the medical community and the public about the link between asbestos, talc and cancer." l & # 39; ovary. The company should remove the talc from the market before causing further anxiety, damage and death from a terrible disease.

"J & J sells the same powders in a wonderfully sure variety of corn starch.If J & J insists on continuing to sell talc, they should report it with a serious warning."

But Johnson & Johnson said the lawsuit was "a fundamentally unfair process," noting that most women were not from Missouri, where testimonials were heard. The company added that the verdict "that granted exactly the same amounts to all plaintiffs regardless of their individual facts, and differences in applicable law, reflects that the evidence in the case was simply overwhelmed by the prejudice of that type of procedure. " [19659013Commel'LaurieMcGinleyduWashingtonPostilexisteundebatsourcontentofthecapitaloftheCanadianfootballcancausecancelofthecroughthecrossexpertstherefromgovernmentsearcherswhichprocedureswere

produced, McGinley reported. According to the American Cancer Society, in its natural form, it can contain asbestos, which, when inhaled, can cause cancer in the lungs. However, one wonders if asbestos-free talc, which is the form used in modern products, presents a similar risk, according to the association. With regard to ovarian cancer, in particular, the American Cancer Society states that studies have shown mixed results, "with some studies reporting slightly increased risk and some reporting no increase."

"For every woman, and the National Cancer Institute says the" weight of evidence does not support an association between perineal talc exposure and an increased risk of cancer of the liver. " ovary "

McGinley explained:

Talc debate began decades ago.In the early 1970s, scientists discovered talc particles in ovarian tumors. In 1982, Harvard researcher Daniel Cramer reported a link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer.His study was followed by several others to find an increased risk of cancer of the liver. ovary in regular users of talcum powder Cramer, who at one point advised J & J to warn her products, has become a frequent expert witness to women who pursue the business.

Her studies and the many others who have established a relationship use a case-control approach Women diagnosed with ovarian cancer and a group were asked without him to remember their diet and their past activities, and the results were then compared.

Critics say that these studies have serious drawbacks. what they did or, if they are diagnosed with cancer, may inadvertently overestimate their use of a suspicious substance. People without serious illness may be less motivated to remember details.

Three other studies – considered cohort studies – found no overall link. In contrast to the case-control studies, these efforts began with a large group of women who did not have cancer and who were watching their health progress, with participants noting what they were doing in real time. The results of this approach, say most scientists, are stronger because they are not subject to the vagaries of memory.

Experts agree that more research needs to be done.

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Years ago when my twin had breast cancer, i took drastic action and i am grateful that i did

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