British police say, do not offer safety guarantees after Novichok death, Europe News & Top Stories


LONDON (AFP) – British police on Monday (July 9) said they could not rule out further contaminations after a 44-year-old mother of three died in southwest England following exposure to the Novichok agent.

" I "can not offer any guarantee," assistant commissioner Neil Basu, the head of Britain's Counter-Terror Police, who is leading the investigation, told reporters.

While Mr Basu emphasized that public health authorities said the risk was "low" , he added: "I do, however, recognize it will still be in the local area with concerns."

Ms Dawn Sturgess died on Sunday (July 8) and her 45-year-old partner Charlie Rowley is still critically

Salisbury is where to train Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with the same Soviet-made toxin four months ago before recovering.

Britain blamed Russia for the poisoning – a charge strongly denied by Moscow

Mr Basu said the two "must have got a high dose" and police They were believed to be "container" they were believed to be "


Mr. Basu also said that 21 people

Mr Basu said Ms Sturgess left behind two sons, aged 19 and 23, and an 11-year-old daughter

He said the "line of inquiry" was a connection between the police and the case of Mr Rowley and Ms Sturgess but said scientists had not been able to determine whether or not the agent came from the same batch

] "We will do everything we possibly can to strand g those responsible to justice, "he said, calling the use of Novichok an" outrageous, reckless and barbaric act ".

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