British scientists decided to call for a weekly quota of alcohol


Британские ученые решили назвать недельную норму алкоголя

British doctors have told about the rules of alcohol consumption. They were experts of the National Health Service, in cooperation with the Drinkaware charity.

About it writes Daily Mail.

First rule – do not drink daily during the week must be "window", when alcohol is not used at all. Second – you can not go beyond the permissible daily dose. It is particularly important withstand the "sobriety break" people aged 40 years and older. According to scientists, 45-65 years of age drinking more than the norm by 14 times.

"Even one day in the week will give a chance to the body to cleanse itself", say the doctors.

Experts advised adults who drink alcohol, drink more than 14 servings of alcoholic beverages per week. For example, this is 600 grams of beer with 4%, or six glasses of wine with a volume of 175 ml, or 14 stacks of 25 ml strong, 40-degree, drink.

Earlier in the Dnipropetrovsk region is a million hryvnia.

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