Calls to Ban Junk Food Bus Announcements


Children are told something about diet and health at school, and something very different on the return trip, the NSW Cancer Council revealed.

The new study found that 82% of ads on food in Sydney buses and train stations dealt with junk food, despite the rising rate of childhood obesity.

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"This is extremely alarming, as 21.4% of children aged 5 to 16 years old between the ages of 5 and 16, aged 9 to 16, are overweight or obese," said Wendy Watson, head of the Canadian Nutrition Program. NSW Cancer Council.

"If they carry that weight to adulthood, it exposes them to 12 different cancers, as well as to heart disease and type 2 diabetes."

The New South Wales government has implemented several initiatives to educate children about healthy eating, from kindergarten to adulthood.

Advertisements in public transport contradict this message and the target audience is too often made up of children.

Every month, NSW children under 15 years of age make more than 3.3 million bus trips and more than 2 million train trips.

Advertisement on a bus shelter

"Only 12% of the food ads kids see when they go out are for healthy food, which undermines parents' efforts to create healthy habits."

Cancer Council NSW wants the government to stop advertising junk food on public transit.

READ MORE: Junk food with kids cartoons is a fight that parents can not win

This is not unprecedented.

The ACT government has done it on buses and, in Western Australia, advertising for alcohol has been banned in all public transportation.

"Childhood obesity is currently a priority for the Prime Minister.If we want to witness a real reduction in overweight and obesity, the NSW government can show leadership," he said. Mrs. Watson.

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