Care workers here greatly underpaid, Latest news from Singapore


Workers who care for seniors in nursing homes, daycares and at home are paid much less than their peers in other countries with aging populations.

Their salary is also lower than other jobs in Singapore. Low pay, coupled with high turnover, could make it difficult for Singapore to reach its long-term care workforce growth target of 45 percent between the year last and 2020, said a report released yesterday by the philanthropic organization Link Foundation.

"Despite concerted efforts to increase wages, redesign jobs, and improve skills and productivity, the sector seems to be hit by constant churning, with one in four Singaporeans turning 65 and over, compared to one in eight in 2016.

The six-month study compared its findings in Singapore with research on Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea – four advanced and rapidly aging economies in Asia-Pacific

Singapore ranks first in the wages of long-term care workers, although its median wage is the second highest of all occupations.

Wages in the sector rose by 30% since 2012, but the median wages of local and foreign workers are lower than those of other jobs requiring similar qualifications.

For example, receptionists earn $ 1,000 more pa r months as caregivers, who help seniors to eat and take a bath.

Low wages could explain double the rate of turnover in hospitals. According to the report, higher wages in other countries could attract Singapore's talent, according to the report.

The sector stagnates in the creation of a scale of skills and President of the Union of Employees of Health Care Services, K. Thanaletchimi

Of the five economies, Singapore relies mainly on workers foreigners, who make up 70% of these workers, compared to 32% in Australia and less than 10% in Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea

Last year, there were 11,000 workers in the sector of which 8,300 are direct workers.

said Radha Basu, director of research and advocacy at the Lien Foundation.

A PWM specifies wages at different levels according to skill levels and experience, with workers earning more.

Ms. K. Thanaletchimi, President of the Union of Health Services Employees, is not surprised by the results.

"The sector has stagnated by creating a skills scale and redefining jobs," says. 659002] She suggests creating an association to establish guidelines and standards, such as benchmarks for wages

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