Charity groups can apply for up to $ 900,000 in Singapore, Singapore News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – The Tote Board has set up a $ 10 million grant to help charities boost their operational capabilities.

Ms Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth, launched the Tote Board Non-Profit Sector Transformation Initiative – Organization Development Program on Thursday (Nov 8).

The money will be given to 10 non-profit organizations (NPOs) and each will get up to $ 900,000. The money can be used to hire external consultants or to improve their IT systems, among other things.

Ms Sim said: "With a proliferation of causes that resonates with donors and greater competition for the charity dollar, the definition of success for well-run non-profit organizations is also being reshaped."

She said that they are thinking hard about doing their work in the most cost-effective, sustainable and accountable way possible. In Singapore, charities are also doing the same, for example, by tapping new technology and collaborating with other charities to improve their services, she added.

Mr Fong Yong Kian, The Tote Board 's Chief Executive, used the analogy of a scale to describe how they are using their resources.

It is one of the group's internal capacity, for example through its human resources and IT systems, to deliver services. On the other end are the services it provides.

"For a lot of NPOs, the scale may not be a balanced one. , leaving the other side of the scale in drastic need for catch-up, "said Mr Fong.

Hence, the grant is set up to help charities boost their organizational capabilities and systems to enable them to go from "good to great", he said.

The Tote Board, a statutory board, is using the Business Excellence framework, an internationally recognized benchmark for excellence, to help charities climb to greater heights.

It is Singapore's largest grant giver. The money, from the lotteries, horse races and other games, is given to a wide variety of causes. In its last financial year, it was disbursed $ 469 million in grants.

Mr Samuel Ng, Chief Executive Officer of Montfort Care, has charity, pointed out that it has been developed to support the development of social services.

"I think the fund is very much needed," he said.

Charities can apply for the grant from Thursday to Jan 7 next year.

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