China outraged by vaccine firm that falsified documents relating to rabid jab children


A scandal involving a Chinese pharmaceutical company that rigged documents about a rabies vaccine for babies has caused an uproar in the country.

The actions of Chinese manufacturers of drugs and biotechnology fell Monday Biotechnology to cross a "moral red line."

An investigation by the authorities revealed that the company had falsified production documents on the vaccine, which was administered to infants as young as three months old

Although no cases of children became ill, regulators ordered Changsheng to recall the vaccine and stop production.

The case has stoked fears of the public in China, which is tired of a series of scandals Monday, a hashtag created to discuss the issue on the microblogging site Sina Weibo had been read more than 600 million times in the middle of the afternoon, despite reports that censors had removed posts.

"All my friends are freaking out with this case of vaccine, everyone is scared, this really reflects big flaws and problems with China's food and drug safety regulations," writes a user under the control of 1988 Cheng Hongyu.

"Yesterday it was powdered milk, today vaccines, what will it be tomorrow?" Writes another respondent to a major incident in 2008 when several infants died after the industrial chemical melamine was added to milk powder to increase the level of protein.

Premier Li called for an immediate investigation into the Changsheng case In a statement posted on the government's website late Sunday, demanding severe punishment for the people involved

"We will resolutely crack down on illegal and criminal acts that endanger people's lives, punish violators to the law and severely and severely criticize the breach of duty of supervision, "he said.

Mr. Li added that the incident had:" crossed a moral red line of the people and must be explained to the public. "

According to the Food and Drug Administration, Changsheng manufactured production and inspection records, as the firm apologized for the incident and said the withdrawal of the Sales vaccine will hit his finances hard.

Chinese pharmaceutical companies were involved in a bill. series of scandals related to drug production in recent years

Last week, a regulator in the northeastern province of Jilin said a subsidiary of Changsheng sold more than 250,000 substandard DPT vaccines to inoculate children against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.

Another company, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, was also implicated in the DPT vaccine issue.

Earlier, in 2016, Chinese police brought down a criminal organisation that had been selling around $90m (£69m) worth of illegal vaccines on the black market.

Additional reporting by Reuters

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