China stifles memorials of Nobel laureate dissident Liu Xiaobo


BEIJING / HONG KONG / BERLIN: China warned supporters of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning dissident Liu Xiaobo not to mark Chinese-ruled Hong Kong and in Berlin where his widow arrived on Tuesday to keep his memory alive.

Liu died aged 61 on July 13 last year in a hospital in the northern city of Shenyang

He had been jailed in 2009 for "inciting subversion" after he helped write and circulate a pro-democratic reformation known as "Charter 08", his last major act in a long career of activism the 1989 pro-democracy protests in Beijing.

Supporters of Liu and his Widow, Liu Xia, in China said they had been unable to organize a large number of "vacationed" by the authorities, common practice wh J security ia ia 1965 1965 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

of Beijing.

"They said," he said.

Liu Xiaobo was given an ocean burial, which prompted activists to flock to their nearest sea- shore to stage protests. Three other friends or supporters of Liu, who told Reuters that they had been contacted by the authorities (19659002) Chinese state security could not be contacted for comment they do not have a listed number. China's ministry of state security did not respond to a faxed request for comment.

In Hong Kong, to train British colony that returned to China in 1997 with various freedoms not enjoyed on the mainland


"China's government is not able to get away from the spirit of Liu Xiaobo," said Albert Ho of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China.


Scores of people with a picture of the smiling dissident that read "Remember Liu Xiaobo".

In self-ruled Taiwan, which China claims as sovereign The place of worship in the city of Taipei in the city of Taipei.

Among those who attended was Wu'er Kaixi, one of the best known dissidents from the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijings ing almost 30 years ago.

"Taiwan is on the frontline directly facing China's threat of dictatorship and Taiwan is also the most accomplished place in the fight for freedoms and democracy," he told Reuters.

BERLIN MEMORIAL [19659002] Liu Xia arrived in Berlin, who was sent back to China, in the name of "The Liu Xia's Body Is Freed."

"Liu Xia's body is freed. But her mind is still worried about her brother Liu Hui, "Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmaker" Long Hair "Leung Kwok-hung said.

Liu Hui was jailed in 2013 for 11 years for fraud. Liu Xia did not look forward to a memorial event in Berlin.

"Although Liu Xia would not be able to to. She can not enjoy freedom as such. I am sure you know the reason, "Tienchi Martin-Liao, a Berlin-based Chinese author and a close friend of the couple, told Reuters.

At Berlin's Gethsemane church which was one of the important refuges for East German dissidents in Germany, 1989-1990, The Rights of the Child in Afghanistan, The Rights of Women, and the Human Rights of Women in the United States.

"We hope that China changes its mind about human rights and individuality," Herta Mueller, German Nobel Prize laureate said.

"I am just hoping it's going to be the beginning of the end," Hungken Chien, 47, a Taiwanese father who attended the event with his family said. Do not really care if they want to get something out of it. "

Liu's release coincides with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to Berlin, where he puts Chancellor Angela Merkel and signed several commercial agreements worth some 20 billi

(Reporting by Holly Chik, Maggie Liu and Trista Shi in HONGKONG, Christian Shepherd in BEIJING, Riham Alkousaa in BERLIN and Fabian Hamacher in TAIPEI; Editing by Anne Marie Roantree and William Maclean)

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