Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi seeks to launch in the United States


The Chinese technology company Xiaomi, which manufactures the Mi smartphone range, is looking to break into the US market. According to the company's vice president, Wang Xiang, next year will be a starting point.

"Next year we hope to be able to do something," Wang told Reuters, calling the US market "very attractive". 19659003] But, for the Chinese smartphone maker, the sale of its phones in the United States is going to be a challenge.

A big rival of Xiaomi, Huawei, also had big plans to expand into the US market. Huawei was aiming to launch a big push in America, with carrier announcements, at CES 2018. But just before the AT & T show would have pulled out of the deal after the Trump administration people clearly expressed their opposition to Chinese technology companies reinforcing their presence What happened to Huawei serves as a warning to Xiaomi

Unable to reach an agreement with US carriers with US politicians calling for a ban on products from the US. business for reasons of national security, Huawei still has no carrier partner to sell its phones Stateside.

This is not just Huawei. Other Chinese mobile phone companies have come up against roadblocks to penetrate the US market and in some cases have been catastrophic. Earlier this week, the FCC prevented China Mobile from doing business in the United States, citing security concerns. Prior to this, the United States prohibited ZTE from buying equipment from US companies as a punishment for violations of trade sanctions. However, when President Trump stepped in and promised to help the Chinese smartphone company.

With all these obstacles in mind, Xiaomi seems confident. "We see no reason for us to get into this political problem," Wang told Reuters, citing a strong relationship with Qualcomm, where he was a former executive, and Google. Wang went on to point out that Xiaomi is fundamentally different from ZTE and Huawei since it only manufactures products for the consumer market, while the latter two also build a network infrastructure.

Xiaomi has met with success in the European market. The company has been deployed in a few European countries over the past two years, with additional launches in the countries. In the current situation, a successful launch in the United States would be much more difficult, but if Xiaomi withdraws it, it could open big things for the company.

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