Colombia is once again considering licensing for tobacco and vapor stores


The Columbia City Council will once again discuss the possibility of new rules for stores selling nicotine products.

The council will hear a report sent by the city's health council on an authorization process and compliance checks.

The board has already discussed the idea with the board to better address the growing popularity of steam smoking products and to ensure that stores sell only to people 21 years of age and older.

The proposed order establishes a process that stores must follow to obtain a license to sell tobacco, smoking accessories and steam-based products. Companies should post the license and would not be allowed to display their smoker products unless they obtain a license. The city would also undertake compliance checks to make sure companies are following the rules.

The rules also change the fine structure that the stores would face if they are not respected. At present, stores are liable to a fine of $ 100 for the first time, up to $ 1,000 if they are captured four or more times in two years . The new rules provide that the municipal judge will be fined $ 200 to $ 1,000, in addition to "any other remedy permitted by law".

Dr. Michael Szewczyk, director of the board of directors, wrote that the licensing and compliance controls would help Columbia catch up in the fight against teen smoking.

"With the development and promotion of nicotine-containing vaping products, this just adds to the urgency," wrote Szewczyk. "It makes sense that we do what we can to prevent our teenagers from becoming addicted to nicotine."

Several tobacco shops, ABC 17 News, announced that they wanted to review the proposed rules before commenting on them.

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