Comment: Two ideas to level the playing field of education


SINGAPORE: The role of education in the pursuit of social and economic progress in Singapore is the subject of vigorous debate today.

It stems in particular from social phenomena such as inequality, which raised concerns about the inclination of the terrain. the future economic landscape and if the education system can repair it.


The argument that meritocracy, despite all its potential for perpetuating educational successes, remains the best model for

Singapore's approach to creating more level playing field is to raise the lower percentiles rather than introduce greater equity in dealing with the benefits enjoyed by the best

. One is to stay philosophy by achieving more equitable results in education, so his approach needs to be discussed more critically.

Affluent parents have an important advantage in developing strategies for the academic success of their children and in exploiting their social networks.

Although it can be said that whatever the system implemented, be better equipped to seize its advantages, the current state of inequality suggests that there is room for improvement .

Two features of the education system that appear to create a hierarchy among students are the PSLE ​​and the beginning of streaming

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A Watered Down Version of the PSLE ​​- The Passage of the T-Score to Larger Scoring Groups – and Continued Efforts to Make a Lesser Examination is welcome. However, in any form whatsoever, it is unlikely that the emphasis will be placed heavily on parents' grades to bring their children into the desired programs or pathways.

  PSLE ​​

Students received their PSLE ​​results. (Photo: Channel 8 News)

To solve this problem, it is useful to review the argument against the PSLE. If the compromise for the removal of the PSLE ​​is of concern, the government could consider a dual system in which the PSLE ​​is made optional. Students struggling for the toughest courses in high schools, such as the Integrated Program, can take the PSLE ​​to increase their chances.

For parents who see the PSLE ​​as an obstacle to holistic education, I propose a 10-year alternative education. system that integrates primary and secondary education with its own framework for assessing progress.

This 10-year system should help develop students' abilities, identify their potential and help them specialize in a field in which they are strong. in the fields of arts, sciences or commerce. It should recognize a wider range of skills than the technical-university binary dichotomy that characterizes the current system of secondary education.

Instead of a high-level exam, periodic assessments, say every two years, are not done for placement purposes, but to ensure that students progress and that the 39, help is provided where appropriate. the student should pursue an academic or professional path should come at the end of the 10-year program, at this time the knowledge of his inclinations would be more valuable than that for a 12-year-old

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  high school students Singapore

Students await their examination results. (File photo: TODAY & # 39; HUI)


One of the main problems of the streaming system at the beginning of secondary education is his tendency to group the worst performers. bloomer, the socio-economically challenged and the learner on the job. For this reason, it is risky to label a child who is not academic at the age of 12.

Greater recognition, for example, must be given to the fact that children from lower deciles of income strata must overcome adverse socio-economic conditions – such as the lack of a study space favorable to the home or parental help with school work – to reach their peers

The underachievers may be talented students whose need for time and help should not be taken as signs that they are academically weak and thus cause them to be ranked in lower achievement levels, which an early diffusion system is likely to do. This only exacerbates the problems they face in education.

Educational pathways should make sense. They should be committed to developing skills or encouraging talent, and should help individuals discover their strengths and stand out.

Educational pathways can not offer a longer route to the same destination, such as a polytechnic or university. Therefore, one should reflect, for example, on how normal academic and normal currents fit into the more general purpose of training individuals with deep skills and talent with their streamlined curriculum.

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  O Students level

Photo file of students receiving their O-Level results.


The educational landscape today presents many more pathways to educational and personal success than in the past. The definition of merit is broadened and policies are introduced to promote greater inclusivity. Efforts are made to ensure opportunities for all, regardless of socio-economic status.

However, a relevant question to ask is whether parents from lower socioeconomic backgrounds have the financial and social capital to actively act on these various pathways. Given that their bandwidth is taxed every day by their struggles to make ends meet, do they receive the help and guidance needed to make the most of changes to an education system that is expected to provide more opportunities?


On a narrower level, parents of lower elementary school students complain about the harshness of school work for children today.

For example, Primary 2 students are now expected to draw sum-of-problem models when, in the past, they were reserved only for older elementary students. How to explain the abstract concept of modeling to an 8 year old child who is only two years old in the primary education system?

The question of whether our education system induces stress is not just about being well-being but is also of strategic importance.

If parents struggle to spend time and resources doing homework and testing, they have less time to undertake exploratory activities that facilitate the joy of learning and nurturing skills. as a curious mind in children. This is antithetical to the goal of developing talent.

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Equality of opportunity is not only about being inclusive, but also about preventing a tighter pool of talent. Socioeconomic background predicts capacity only because existing standardized measures and structures confer recognition to certain groups while disadvantaging others.

Therefore, it is essential to continue to examine these measures and structures and the child in a holistic manner and as a unique individual

Azmoon Ahmad is a member of Parliament appointed .

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