Companies welcome the breakthrough of Brexit, but warn of the need for speed


Businesses welcomed Theresa May's new Brexit plan, although leaders and lobbyists stressed the importance for the UK to make rapid progress in its negotiations with the EU [19659002] The Free Trade Area between the United Kingdom and the EU expressed its satisfaction with the government plan presented after the Government supported it on Friday in Checkers, the residence of the United Kingdom. British Prime Minister

. Although some have expressed concern that the three-page post-ladies statement does not give much importance to the strategic importance of the service sector.

The CBI, the British Chambers of Commerce, and the Institute of Directors all responded positively to an agreement on Mrs. May's Brexit plan at Checkers.

In the run up to the meeting, manufacturers including Airbus, BMW and Jag Land Rover had warned that they could reduce their operations in the UK if Brexit resulted in serious customs and trade disruptions

Checkers' statement seemed to address these concerns, and Roger Carr, president of BAE Systems, the UK defense maker, said: A step in the direction of a friction-free trade with the EU after Brexit will be well received by companies.