Cristiano Ronaldo joins Juventus: the numbers, the reactions and the best tweets


Italy champion Juventus recruited Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid for £ 99.2m.

The Portuguese star is perhaps the most famous footballer on the planet, with five Gold Ball awards and five Champions League wins.

But the former Manchester United superstar is now 33 years old and after nine seasons in Spain, Real Madrid was ready to let go of his assets, so does the agreement make sense?

What Ronaldo, Real and Juve says

In an open letter, Ronaldo said that he hoped Real Madrid fans understood his decision to leave. He wrote: "I believe that the time has come to start a new stage in my life and that is why I asked the club to accept my transfer request. this and I ask everyone, and especially our disciples, to understand.

"Real Madrid has won over my heart and my family's, and that's why more than ever I mean thank you. I'm leaving but this shirt, this coat of arms and the Santiago Bernabeu will always make me feel everywhere I am. "

In a statement, the Spanish giants said:" Real Madrid would like to publicly thank a player who has shown the best in the world and who has scored one of the biggest periods in the world. History of our club and the world. In addition to the titles he has won, honors achieved and achievements on the ground during these nine years, Cristiano Ronaldo has been a model in terms of commitment, hard work, responsibility, talent and dedication. personal development. "

Juve celebrated the signing of the Portugal striker.The Italian club said:" He called Cristiano Ronaldo and he is now officially a Bianconero! Juventus is pleased to announce that the winner of the Golden Ball has signed five times for the club for a four year contract until June 30, 2022. "

Does Ronaldo still has what it takes?

He may be climbing, but the case makes Ronaldo the fourth most expensive footballer of all time, and he triples almost the registration fee for a player in their thirties.

The Portuguese have recently boasted of being 23 years old and intend to play for many more years. Ronaldo's numbers are tempting and if he maintains this form in Italy, Juventus's dominance over Italian football should continue and the £ 99m will be well spent.

"Ronaldo leaves Madrid as top scorer of the club. with 450 goals in 438 games. He has also won four times the Champions League, three FIFA Club World Cups and two La Liga titles, as well as the Copa del Rey and the Spanish Super Cup twice each, "says ESPN.

This year, his goals were met every 70 minutes, he was the best scorer in the Champions League for each of the last six seasons and he scored 311 goals in his nine seasons in La Liga.

He also scored a hat-trick for Portugal in the World Cup and scored a spectacular bike-shot against Juventus in the Champions League in the spring.

Would it be worth it for Juventus?

Regardless of its impact on the field, the arrival of Ronaldo should have a huge impact on the club's global brand.

Journalist Guillem Balague tells Sky Sports that the four-year deal could cost Juventus € 400m (£ 354m), but notes that in the two days before the deal, the stock market value of the club increases by 20%. "That explains one reason they want it," he says.

Rob Wilson, football finance expert at the University of Sheffield Hallam, agrees. He told the BBC: "Even at around 100 million pounds, the marketing influence that Juventus will be able to create will be significant." Added to that is the likelihood that it will strengthen the team, it seems plausible that they will have more success at the national level and will qualify regularly for the Champions League.This means more sponsors, more TV money and more prizes. "

L & # 39; The agreement also fits in the efforts of the Italian club to restore its reputation in the era of domination of the Premier League and La Liga.

"On the surface that might seem like an impossible indulgence for a club that should report a small loss on its accounts for the past season.The reality could be exactly the opposite," says Paolo Bandini of The Guardian.

" Despite their impressive growth in recent years, Juventus has always been concerned by the mere fact of competing in a league whose international brand lags behind those of La Liga and the Premier League. Ronaldo's signature is meant to change that. "

What is there for Ronaldo?

The Portuguese mocked Milan's attempts to lure it to Italy a few years ago, but Now he has decided to try his arm in Serie A.

Ronaldo has already flirted with other clubs, but usually to force a better deal offer from Real Madrid.This time he chose to However, he will be paid € 30m (£ 26.5m) a year in Turin.

"Ronaldo makes Madrid a legend, the club record holder and one of their greatest players, as well that one of the most decorated "Luke Edwards of the Daily Telegraph.

" The timing, however, makes sense, with some supporters tired of his perceived egoism and the constant desire to be the center of the # 39; s attention. The team also needs a rebuild. "

At Juventus, there is also the prospect of having a lot more silverware," says Sky Sports. "Ronaldo would be confident to add to his vast collection of trophies at Juventus" , Sky reports. "The Old Lady is totally dominant in Italian football after winning seven consecutive Serie A titles and four consecutive doubles in the league and cup."

"Juventus did not win the League Champions since the 1995/96 season. the last five years. With Ronaldo on their side instead of getting in their way, they would want to get better. "

What's Happening for Madrid?

The Spanish giants are looking for a replacement and Juventus may have to get rid of some of its own stars to welcome their newcomers signature.

"Real will seek to fill the void. And when they do, the effects of training will probably be felt all over Europe, "says ABC.

He assumes that Ronaldo's departure could pave the way for Neymar, who would be unhappy after his transfer of 200 million pounds from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain last summer.

Other big names are Kylian Mbappe, who is also at PSG, and Premier League stars including Harry Kane of Spurs and Eden Hazard of Chelsea.

"Most transfers will not be confirmed or even suggested until the case on the ground is completed in Russia," says ABC

What do people say?

The movement sparked a lot of comments on social media. Sami Khedira, a former Madrid teammate, said he was looking forward to a meeting and other stars from Madrid expressed their thanks to Ronaldo.

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